She Isn't Real


*Two weeks later*

Amber's POV:

Two freaking weeks have passed and Zacky still has a stick up his ass. He acts like his normal self but he becomes a total ass when he talks to me. I didn't even do anything. Not that I can think of of course. Even the guys don't know why he's acting like he is. I try to be nice to Zacky and I get the bitchy Zacky. Maybe he's secretly a girl and is PMSing right now and I piss him off..... Hrm....... Maybe cookies would make things better. Cookies make everything better. Who doesn't like cookies? Cookies sound good right now.....

"Hi, Zacky," I greeted after school as I walked over to his locker. I had had cheerleadering practice and Zacky got detention. The guys had left the school as soon as the bell rang, Jimmy yelling something to me about IHOP as they left. Zacky shut his locker, looked at me, and started limping past me on his crutches without a word. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Why are you being such an ass?" I muttered to myself. Apparently Zacky had supersonic ears and heard me.

"Why don't you go complain about it to your boyfriend?" he snapped, glaring at me.

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. You were there when I broke up with him," I reminded irritably.

"Well then you how do you explain the baseball game?" Zacky demanded.

"Baseball game?" I echoed, confusion on my face. Zacky just continued glaring at me.Then it hit me. "You saw me and Josh kissing, didn't you?" I said softly. He stiffly nodded. I covered my eyes shamefully. "Zacky, listen-"

"Save your bull. That scene you cause when you broke up with him, was lie wasn't it? Do you really hate him and the cheerleaders? Are you really different from the other cheerleaders? You lied to the guys." I uncovered my eyes and opened my mouth, but he didn't let me talk. "You lied to me." I looked away from his eyes, unable to look at the hurt in his emerald green eyes. Zacky shook his head disbelievingly before he turned and started limping away.

"Zacky, let me explain!" I yelled, but he ignored me. Wonderful. Simply fucking wonderful.
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Kind of short again. Meh. =\ Don't blame me. Blame the doctors. I got a spinal tap done today and they make you tired as hell. I posted this because I was afraid that certain people, *ahempeoplethatwereupsetofwhathappenedtoZackyandAmber*, would do something if I didn't post. Comments are very appreciated. =}D