She Isn't Real


"Well?" pressed Zacky, crossing his arms. "Are you going to tell me why you and Josh weren't kissing?" I glared at him.

"We weren't kissing," I started. Zacky snorted. I let out a sigh of frustration. "He came onto me. He kissed me. I wasn't kissing him back. That was his way of getting back at you and the guys. You of all people should know that I don't like Josh, so why in the hell would I be kissing him? Don't answer that," I added when Zacky opened his mouth. He closed his mouth. His piercing emerald green eyes locked with my light blue eyes. Silence engulfed us for God knows how long.

"You aren't lying," he stated more than asked. I didn't say anything. "Now you said if I listened to your explanation, you'd tell me what you meant when you said it wasn't the first time. I listened and I believe you. Now tell me what you meant." I looked at the ground, suddenly unable to look Zacky in the eye.

"What I meant is pretty clear. It wasn't the first time he hit me," I murmured, unconsciously rubbing my arm. Zacky put his hand under my chin and lifted my face to look at him.

"So you're saying he abused you?"

"No. It's only happened a few times. Usually when he gets mad at me or when he's occasionally drunk." Zacky's eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. "Zacky, please don't go do anything rash. You already kicked his ass, there's no need to do it again." Zacky started angrily pacing back and forth.

"And why can't I kick his ass again? He hit you. He hit you, Amber," he seethed.

"I know he did. But what happened in my relationship with Josh is in the past now. There's nothing you can do about it." He turned to face me. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but closed it.

"I know I can't change it, but I can get back at him for hurting you."

"Zacky, please don't do anything. I don't want anything happening to you," I said, whispering the last part. Zacky looked at me with surprise written on his face. I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Come on," said Zacky, grabbing my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Out to eat," he simply replied.
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Here's an update for you guys. I'm mad. I missed the chance to listen to a song A7x is gonna put on their new album. T_T It was called Unwind the Chainsaw. Damn it! Comment please!