She Isn't Real


"How is it that with just one talk and going out to eat, everything is fine between us again?" I asked as I kicked sand and stuffed my hands into Zacky's stolen hoodie. We were taking a walk along the beach after eating dinner.

"Because, we are awesome like that," Zacky replied, eating some of his ice cream. "Want some ice cream?" he offered, holding out his spoon that had ice cream on it.

"Sure." I took the spoon and ate the ice cream before giving it back. We fell into a comfortable silence. After awhile, I noticed Zacky was focusing a bit too much on his ice cream. "What's wrong, Zacky?" I asked. His eyebrows furrowed at the sound of my voice.

"Amber, there's some-" he started but he was cut off by a scream.

"WAIT FOR US, YOU MOFOS!" we heard an all too familiar person yell at the top of their lungs. We turned around to see Jimmy being chased by Brian.

"Sorry. Jimmy saw you guys and just had to come saw hi," Brian apologized when they reached us. Zacky threw Jimmy a dirty glare. Jimmy was oblivious to it as he hugged me.

"Hey, to you too, Jimbo," I giggled.

"Come on! Let's go build a sand castle!" Jimmy said, pulling me closer to the ocean.

"The sun is setting! It's no time to build a sand castle!"

"Yes it is!"

Zacky's POV:

"Where you about to tell her?" Brian asked as we watched Jimmy drag Amber away.

"Yeah," I said, sighing.

"Sorry. I did try to stop Jimmy, though. But you know how he gets. And he is afraid that Amber might leave you for some jock or something."

"He should know she isn't like that. Amber would never do that."

"Yeah, I know. But Jimmy is still a bit suspicious." I sighed again, this time in exasperation. We heard a squeal and looked up. Jimmy was chasing Amber around, wet sand in his hands.

"Keep that away from me!" Amber yelled. "Oh shit!" she added when she tripped on her untied shoelace fell into a rose bush. Brian and I jogged over to where Amber had fallen. We could only see her legs and her shoulders and up.Jimmy abandoned his wet sand and went to wash his hands in one of those little showers they have to wash off sand. "I'm gonna kill you, Jimmy!"

"Need help?" I asked, offering her my hand. She took it. Just as she started to pull herself up, I lost my footing and fell in beside her. I looked up to see Amber's face centimeters from mine.

Amber's POV:

I stopped breathing once I saw how close Zacky was. Neither one of us moved.

I think he started moving closer, when Jimmy yelled, "Can you guys get up?"

"Huh? Oh yeah," I answered, reluctantly looking away from Zacky. He managed to get himself up and helped me up. Now I really was going to kill Jimmy.
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Almost 20 chapters and yet no kiss..... Huh. Comment please!