She Isn't Real


*Next day at lunch*

I was on my way to get something from my locker when I heard someone.

"Think you're fucking tough, Sanders?" I heard a disgustingly familiar voice. I knew it was Kevin, one of the guys on the football team.

"I've got more balls than you, Andrews," I heard Matt snap back. I heard a faint groan.

"If you bitches have balls, why do you come after us in groups?" someone else said. This time I heard two groans.

"Because this way it's fair."

"Fair my ass." I've heard enough. I rounded the corner to see Kevin along with Mike, Henry, Steven, and Joe standing over someone. Mike and Henry had Zacky Baker pinned to the wall. Kevin, Steven, and Joe were surrounding Matt.

"Andrews!" I called. All of the football jocks turned to me.

"Oh, hey, Amber. Here to help?" greeted Kevin.

"One, how the hell can I help? And two, back the fuck away from Sanders," I replied. I turned to Mike and Henry. "Drop Baker."

"Why should we do that? They're just a bunch of freaks. Why are you defending them?"

"How do you even know they're freaks if you don't know them? And I'll defend whoever I please. Now back away from Sanders and drop Baker." They reluctantly did as I said.

"She won't always be around to defend you. And, Amber, wait until I tell Josh about this," snarled Kevin as they walked away. I glared at them. I never really liked them. I turned back to Zacky and Matt. They were both slumped over, an arm wrapped around their stomach.

"Are you guys all right?" I asked, looking at them. They both looked up at me. I looked at Zacky and nearly did a double take. His eyes were the green eyes I saw at the mall. He was the guy I ran into.

"Why should you care? You're a cheerleader. You don't care about us 'freaks'," snapped Matt. "Why the hell did you do that anyway?"

"I felt the need to. I don't think it's very fair that you guys are getting beat up for your taste in music and the way you dress."

"A cheerleader with a heart. Huh. Never thought I'd meet one." I glared at him.

"So are you guys okay?"

"Yeah. Just a bit winded. But we are pissed," replied Zacky, speaking for the first time.

"I'm not surprised." I watched as they picked themselves up. "I guess I'll get going then. See you- Oh wait. I won't see you around. Damn social circles." They laughed. "Bye."
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's Amber to the rescue! I feel bad. I had buff bitch Matt get beat up. *pouts* Comment please! +D