She Isn't Real

The Fight

*Later that day*

The doorbell rang as I worked on my homework. Whoever rang that damn bell is gonna die. They interrupted Slipknot! I walked down the stairs, seeing as my parents won't answer the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked when I opened the door. Josh was there and he didn't look too happy.

"The guys told me what happened during lunch," he said. "Why the hell did you help them out?! You know that we don't like them and you don't like them."

"Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you can gang up on them! And I have the right to defend them! No one tells me who I can fucking defend."

"But I'm your boyfriend! If I don't like someone, you don't like them either!" I laughed humorlessly.

"I'm not you, Josh. Nor am I one of your previous girlfriends who would've done everything you said. I actually think for myself and don't let you control me."

"I don't control you! What the fuck are you talking about? I just tell you what and what not to do!" I rolled my eyes.

"Go whine to someone else about your bullshit," I snapped. I shoved past him and started walking. Where? I don't know. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and by the time I looked up to see where I was, I saw I was at the beach. I huffed and walked out onto the sand. I sat down just out of reach of the waves and stared out at the sunset.

"Fancy meeting you here," someone said. I tilted my head back to see the face of Zacky Baker. He sat next to me when I didn't say anything. "What's bugging you?" he asked. It was like I was an open book to him. I trained myself not to show how I really felt about something when I couldn't show how I felt.

"Nothing big. Just boyfriend problems. Why are you here?" I questioned back, tossing a shell into the ocean.

"Felt like walking around. I'm all ears if you wanna talk about your boyfriend problems." I looked at him skeptically.

"And I'm not gonna hear what I tell you tomorrow at school?"

"Nope. If you do, you can kill me," answered Zacky, a serious look on his face. A small laugh escaped me before I started telling him what happened. "No offense, but he sounds like an ass." I laughed.

"He can be sometimes," I agreed. A shiver ran through my body.

"Are you cold?"

"A little." Zacky took off his sweater and held it out for me. "You don't have to. Keep your sweater."

"Take it. I'm not that cold anyways."

"Thanks," I thanked, taking the sweater and slipping it over my head. We sat there for awhile longer, talking about nonsense things. When the sun had finally disappeared, I stood up. "I should get going." I started taking off his sweater but he motioned to stop.

"Keep it. You can give it back tomorrow." I smiled.

"Thanks again. Thanks for listening to my complaining." He smiled.

"No problem. See you around."

"Bye." With that, I left the beach and headed home.
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So Amber and Zacky got to talk.... Comment please! +D