She Isn't Real


"Where were you?" demanded Josh after school. We were walking because Josh broke curfew for the 5th time last night. He really is an idiot.

"And you have to know why?" I replied.

"Because I'm your boyfriend."

"An awfully nosy boyfriend. You don't have to know where I am at all hours of the freaking day." I started digging around my backpack for my black iPod nano to listen to Slipknot to tune out Josh's complaining.

"But I want to."

"But I like to have some privacy." Where the fuck is my iPod?!

"I give you privacy."

"Uh, no you don't. You want to know where I am at all the time, who I hang out with, what I'm doing, who I text, who I call, and whole bunch of other crap but if I list everything, I'd probably go on for a long time."

Zacky's POV:

I told the guys that I wanted to walk by myself after school. Why I wanted to walk by myself was because I was hoping to run into Amber. I was walking with my head down, kicking a rock. I was about to kick a big, black rock when I realized it was an iPod. I bent down to pick it up.

"'Property of Amber Rose. Keep it, you die,'" I read out loud to no one in particular. I laughed. I kept walking, wondering when I would have a chance to return it to her.

"But I like to have some privacy," I heard someone say up ahead. It sounded like Amber.

"I give you privacy," replied a male voice. The voice that sounded like Amber started to rant. I walked faster and saw the back of Amber and her an ass of a boyfriend.

"Amber!" I called as I started to run to catch up to them. Amber and Josh turned around. Josh was glaring at me the entire time. "You dropped this," I said to Amber, ignoring Josh. I held out her iPod. Gratitude lit up in Amber's light blue eyes.

"Thanks," she thanked as she reached for her iPod. Before she could touch it, Josh snatched it from my hand.

"She didn't drop her iPod. I bet you stole it, didn't you?" he snapped. I immediately got defensive.

"I did-" I started but was cut off because Josh had shoved me. Yet again.

"Josh-" Amber started but he cut her off.

"Don't you steal from my girlfriend again. Let's go, Amber." Josh grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her away. Amber looked back at me, a worried and apologetic look on her face. Damn that son of a bitch.
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