She Isn't Real


"I'll have a hot cocoa and two chocolate chip cookies," I told the cashier at Starbucks. He told me the total and I paid him. Once I got my caffeine and sugar, I started walking towards a table with my head down, debating which cookie to eat first. I ran into someone, my glorious cookies and wonderful hot cocoa flying out of my hands and landing far away from me, spilling and landing on the dirty floor. I really got watch where I'm going so I stop running into people....

"Oh shit. I'm sorry," apologized the other person. I looked up to meet the green eyes of Zacky.

"Are you some sort of freaky stalker that's stalking me and randomly runs into me?" I asked from my spot on the floor. Zacky laughed.

"No. We just happen to run into each other," he laughed as he helped me up. "Sorry about your stuff," he apologized again.

"It's okay. I'll just go get some more. It's not like the first time it's happened. But you're the first to apologize for spilling it."

"At least let me pay for it."

"It's okay. I've got it covered." But ignoring as I said, Zacky paid for my cocoa and cookies. Now when he did it, I found it sweet because he was being nice and paying for what he accidentally made me spill. Now if Josh did it, I would find it completely annoying because he's always insisting on paying because he's the man in the relationship. "Thanks," I thanked.

"No problem. Do you mind if I sit with you? Or would you rather sit by yourself in fear that your friends might see you with me?" he asked.

"One, they're not my friends. They're whores to me. And two, you don't have to ask if you can sit with me. Of course you can sit with me." He smiled at me, his snake bites (which, might I add, are quite sexy) catching the light. I let him lead the way to a table. I sat down across from him. "I know it's not my responsibility to do this, but I'm sorry for what Josh did earlier," I apologized. "I know you already know, but he really hates you guys." His eyes hardened a bit.

"I do think he's an ass. So do the guys. He's lucky we haven't kicked his ass," he muttered darkly.

"Well I think you should." Zacky looked at me with a surprised face. "What?"

"You, his girlfriend, think we should kick his ass?" I simply nodded, taking a bite out of my cookie. "Why?"

"He deserves a good ass kicking." Zacky fell silent and seemed to entertain himself by watching me. I didn't take my eyes off of him as I drank from my cup and continued to eat my cookie.

"Why?" he suddenly asked.

"Why what?" I questioned back, confused.

"Why are you dating him?" he clarified. I looked down at the cup in my hands, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes.

"Because of who I appear to be," I quietly answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Most people know me as the popular head cheerleader. And being forced to live up to one of the many stereotypes, I had to date a football jock. I don't really want to date Josh. I have to. And I'm afraid of breaking up with him because of how he would react." Zacky then surprised me with his next action. He stood up and wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders.

"You shouldn't be afraid of him. The guys and I have your back."

"Thanks," I whispered, giving him a small smile. I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at me.
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So apparently Zacky is a freaky stalker stalking Amber. XD I had to put that in there. Comment please. +{D