She Isn't Real

I Won't Let This Build Up Inside Of Me

*Friday Night*

As usual, there was a party at Josh's tonight. We were currently at Josh's and the party had been going for awhile. And somehow someone got some vodka or some crap like that and spiked the punch. I don't drink so I got myself a can of Pepsi, not trusting anyone to get me a drink because they might put some crap in it.

"Yo, Josh! There's some unwanted people here," Kevin yelled over the music as he shoved his way over to us.

"Who?" asked Josh. They both had a buzz going. Ugh.

"The freaks."

"Get the rest of the guys and we'll take care of them." Kevin nodded before disappearing. My eyes widened in fear. Not for Josh and the guys, but for Zacky and his friends. "Stay here, babe," ordered Josh as he saw Kevin had gathered the guys that he and Josh always hung out with.

"No way am I staying. I'm going with you," I argued. Josh rolled his eyes before walking away. I followed him. I followed Josh and his friends to what seemed like the front door. Sure enough Zacky and his friends were there.

"What are you doing here?" Josh snapped at them as soon as they were withing earshot. Matt started towards Josh, his muscles tensing, but was stopped by Zacky. Zacky nodded his head towards me. He had obviously seen my expression urging them not to fight.

"We were bored and decided to crash your party," coolly replied Johnny.

"Well that was awfully dumb of you since you're not welcome here."

"But see, that's the point of crashing a party. If you crash a party, that means you're unwanted. Or is that too much for your small ass brain to process?" said Matt.

"That's it!" Josh started towards Zacky, who was in front of his friends.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled, dashing in front of Zacky.

"Amber, move," barked Josh.

"No. And you can't make me. You and the rest of your friends will not lay a hand on Zacky and his friends," I refused.

"Move, Amber. We need to teach them a lesson."

"You will not lay fucking hand on them as long as I'm around."

"And why not?"

"Because you don't have the right just to beat them up."

"What the hell has gotten into you lately? You seem totally different!"

"I'm not different! I'm being who I am! And you know what?" My eyes narrowed into slits.


"We're over."

"What?! Why?!" demanded Josh.

"Because I know you fucking cheated on me with that whore, Tiffany!" I yelled. "I'm sick of you trying to boss me around! I'm sick of you! You guys are fucking annoying as hell and think you're all that! Let me tell you something, mister. You guys are stupid, untalented jocks who think they rule school just because they are on the football team!" Josh stared at me dumbfounded. I turned to Zacky. "Can you take me home?" I quietly asked him.

"Sure," he answered cautiously, looking at his friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
She blew up! She blew up! So know Josh is out of the picture. I wonder what'll happen now.... Anywhos, comment please! +{D