She Isn't Real

Ass Kicking

I gave Zacky directions as he drove me to my house. His friends had all piled into Matt's car.

"I can't believe you just did that," I heard Zacky mutter mostly to himself.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"Blow up like that and break up with that ass in front of everyone."

"Better there than at school."

"True." We grew quiet. "So what are you going to do now?"

I shrugged as I said, "I don't know. I guess I'll stick with cheerleading because I like to do it. As for who I hang out with, I don't know."

"Why don't you hang out with me and the guys? You know you want to," he suggested, smiling a huge cheesy smile at the end. I laughed.

"Sure. Here's my house." He pulled into the driveway. All the lights were off in my house. Of course. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem. Need a ride to school tomorrow?" I smiled.

"Sure. Good night, Zacky."

"Night, Amber."

*Next Morning*

While I was getting ready the next morning, I was unusually excited. I think it had to do with the fact that it was Zacky picking me up instead of Josh. I was eating some Lucky Charms, making sure not to get the marshmallows on my spoon yet, when the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I called as I got up and started walking to the door. I brought my bowl with me, focusing on it. I only glanced up to see who it was. "Hey, Zacky," I greeted.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Eating Lucky Charms. Why?"

"Because you're focusing on your bowl."

"There done!" I started scooping up with marshmallows and putting them into my mouth. Zacky laughed. Once I was done, I threw my bowl into the sink. "All righty then. I'm done."

"Ready?" I nodded. "Then let's go." He led the way to his car. The Misfits were playing in his car. We didn't talk as Zacky drove to school. "So are the guys and I allowed to kick their asses now?" he asked as he parked, using their to refer to Josh and them.

"You guys always were. Feel free to do it whenever," I laughed.

"Excellent. I know Matt is dying to kick some ass." I laughed again.

"Of course he is." We got out of the car. Zacky grabbed my hand as he led to where his friends were.

"What'd she say?" asked Matt as soon as we were withing earshot. Zacky nodded. "Excellent." Matt smirked, his muscles tensing. I sensed they had something planned and they were gonna put that plan into action. Soon.
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I wonder what shall happen... Comment please! ={D