Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Does this help?

Madeline’s POV

Tom and I were sitting on the couch in my apartment —Amelia and I had already moved in with Sam so we were only down the hall from the guys now— watching ‘Prison Break’ reruns. The guys had had lots of extra time off lately; their manager, David Jost, and some of the other guys on ‘Team Tokio Hotel‘, as they liked calling it, were spending everyday planning an upcoming tour. The tour would start in late August, which was two months away, and ended a couple weeks into December, getting the boys home just before Christmas.

All of them swore that Christmas was going to be amazing and that “you’ve never had a proper Christmas ‘til you’ve had one with Tokio Hotel.” We were all, needless to say, excited for the holidays at the end of the year.

A few weeks ago Tom had said that even though the tour would last so long that he wouldn’t allow that to affect our relationship. I was thankful for his reassurance; the thought of his absence was something awful.

His arm around my waist tightening was what pulled me from my reverie.

“Are you busy tomorrow?” he asked, his eyes not leaving the television set.

“Mmm, not that I know of. Why?” I replied.

“You mind going out to dinner?” he asked and glanced down at me.

The skepticism in his voice showed the slight worry that I wouldn’t want to go out with him. You see, we’d gone out for our ‘3 month’ and the night didn’t end all too well; the paparazzi mobbed us once we stepped out of the restaurant and got a few not-so-great photos of the two of us. The following day we were splashed across every news paper and magazine cover accompanied by the usual overly fictitious headlines. He knew how much it bothered me and tried to keep me out of the public’s eye as much as possible. In doing so we hadn’t gone out since that night two weeks ago.

“We don’t have to, I just thought it’d be nice.” he said after catching the wry look in my eyes.

“No, it’s ok. Umm,” I chewed my lip thoughtfully, “where exactly did you want to go?” I questioned.

“That, Beautiful, is a surprise.” he smiled his most impish smile before pulling me closer and sweetly pecking my cheek.

“A surprise? What’s the occasion?” I smiled shadily at him.

He rolled his eyes playfully and laughed. “As if I need an occasion, or reason for that matter, to want to take you out. I love you, is that not enough?”

“I was only asking.” I chuckled, “and yes, I suppose that’s a good enough reason.”

“You suppose?” he cocked a brow and grinned at me.

“I know.” I smiled and leaned into him placing a small kiss on his smooth pink lips adorned with the small silver ornament of a lip ring.

I pulled away to see his tongue quickly skim over his lips, as if to savor anything I might have left behind.

A few weeks ago while we sat staring at the sunset, stealing kisses every now and again, he made a point of letting me know that I gave ‘the sweetest kisses’ he’d ever had. Upon hearing this I’d blushed and unattractive shade of ‘Tomato Red’ and quickly turned from his watchful gaze. He of course brought my face back around to meet his own and proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was.

Tom was far too good to me, and I think the drastic change from my previous relationship to this one caused me to see things guardedly. Tom was one hundred percent better for me than Shayne, he treated me better and loved me more, but I still couldn’t seem to get a handle on how shocked I always was. I only hoped Tom didn’t think I doubted him. I was more over analyzing everything, which I knew I shouldn’t do. I just couldn’t handle any more hurt, but deep down I knew I’d never have to endure any more.

“So, since I’m not allowed to know where it is we’re going, can you at least tell me how I should dress?” I prodded.

“However you like.” he smiled.

“Tom, that’s not helping.” I sighed exaggeratedly causing him to laugh.

“Babe, it really doesn’t matter, but if you want me to pick something I’d say go for semi-formal. Nice but not over done.” he said thoughtfully.

“Ok.” I nodded.

“Does that help?” he asked playfully, nudging my side softly.

“Yes, it does.” I grinned childishly, loving how I could let loose and be myself around him.

“Good.” he said, now a bit softer than before.

He cupped my face in one hand and leaned in slowly, tilting his head slightly to the side. Pulling my chin forward he pressed his lips against mine firmly. After only seconds were my lips moving in sync with his until his tongue slid along my bottom lip as he deepened the kiss. My heart fluttered and my stomach did flips every time and as we separated I couldn’t help but smile up at him.

“I love you, Madie.” he said softly, and I replied without hesitation.

“I love you too, Tom.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo for the first chapter!!
Im so excited to be starting this up again :]

Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers!