Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Didn’t think so.

Cerise’s POV

“Shayne! Are you seriously stupid?! We can not do that!” I shouted.

“Do I look fucking stupid, Cerise? It’s the only way.” he retorted.

“It is not! Call the cops-”

“Why so we can all go to jail?! I don’t fucking think so!”

“I’d rather go to jail than dump me friends body in an alley somewhere!” I cried.

“Well then you’re the stupid one.”

“What the hell ever.” I sighed shakily threw my tears.

The only friend I’d had left was dead and Shayne who swore that he loved me wanted me to help him and Brian dump her body someplace. It was utterly ludicrous.

“Cerise, stop being such a little bitch. You’d get into a lot of shit, not only for the cocaine but for drinking; you’re still underage.” he tried to coax me with no avail.

“Yea well you bought it all didn’t you!” I stated.

“Fuck you! Get your boney ass up and help!” he stood from the bed and glared down at me.

“I already told you I won’t have anything to do with it.” I shook my head angrily letting more tears slid down my cheeks.

“Cerise, now! Brian is wrapping her up now-”

“He’s what?!”

“-and you don’t even have to touch her; just be the lookout.” he finished.

“You fucking make me sick! How can you even think of doing something like this? She was your friend too, Shayne. And what about Brian? How does he feel about all of this?” I shouted as I pointed furiously at the closed door.

“You better collect yourself, bitch, before I do it for you.” he said in a low menacing voice that I’d never heard from him before.

At that instant I was genuinely afraid of him. However that didn’t keep me from saying, “So what if this happens to me? You just gonna dump me too?”

He hunched over and leaned down in my face. I could feel his breath hot against my mouth and his glassy eyes shown as they stared me down. I leaned back to try and escape him but the headboard stopped me.

“Do you wanna find out?” he said ominously.

My voice caught in my throat as I opened my mouth to speak the words that ran cold through the blood in my veins. Not once did I blink, yet tears poured from my eyes one after another.

“Didn’t think so.” he chuckled.

He reached forward and brushed away the tears and then pressed his lips against mine in a heated kiss, on his part. My participation was only mechanical; I did what my body knew to do while being kissed.

He pulled away and smirked at me.

“You stay here and rest.” he said before turning to leave.

You’re fucking crazy, I thought to myself.

I heard the front door close and Brian’s Porsche roar to life then speed away.

I pulled my knee’s to my chest and started rocking slightly as I began to cry again. It only took a second for realization to set in; Camilla was dead, Shayne was insane and Brian was aiding him in the disposal of his dead girlfriend’s body, and most importantly, I was in a lot of danger.

I fell to my side and began wailing with the grief heavy on my chest. I shortly after started hyperventilating and watched the walls and room fade away as I passed out.
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I'm ba-ack :]
As some of you know my computer crashed for almost two weeks and i lost everything and have had to start over from nothing. So i've finally been able to start on my story again :]

Thanks to all of you who have waited patiently.

And Twin, it's on xD