Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Could it really be?

Tom’s POV

The girls had come over to our place earlier to hang out; Sam was at work again and Madie and Eli were bored.

We were all sitting around the living room watching TV when a sudden news break broadcasted.

“Just this morning the body of a young woman was found in the alley behind the liquor store.”

We all immediately stopped what we were doing and focused on the man reporting form the scene.

“We have yet to identify the body of the young Caucasian blonde, but what we do know is this,”

I glanced around and saw that Georg was a little frantic as he waited for the man to report the facts. Gustav too looked a bit worried. I knew what they were thinking, that it was Cerise. And I must admit that even though I want nothing to do with her any longer, I was a bit worried myself.

“The young woman died of asphyxiation due to the masses of vomit collected in her lungs. This seems to be a severe overdose on Cocaine. Reports say that the inside of the young woman’s nostrils where heavily coated in the white substance. She however did not die here on the scene; someone wrapped her in a sheet and moved her body anytime from late last night to early this morning.” the man spoke.

Gasps filled the room, first from utter shock that someone would do such a thing, and then they turned into gasps of realization. Everyone was finally on the same page and we all just knew in our guts that it was Cerise.

“Oh my god.” Madeline said next to me and I pulled her closer as to comfort the both of us.

“Shh.” Georg hushed us as the man began giving away a physical description of the girl.

”The young woman has both ears pierced multiple times along with her nose. She has two healed over laceration wounds to the inside of her left forearm that look fairly recent. This young woman has had a tonsillectomy and what seems to me a appendectomy as well. She has blonde hair and brown eyes. That’s all we’ve recovered thus far. Tune into the 10 o’clock news for any further discoveries.”

The news reporter signed out and the regular news commenced.

“Could it really be?” Gustav murmured.

“I...I don’t know.” Georg said not seeming to be able to focus well. I couldn’t blame him; she was still family to him to matter how badly she messed up.

“How could someone do that to another person?” Amelia said quietly to herself.

The evening had pretty much been shot and no one was talking much.

Not until my beautiful girlfriend saved us all from apprehension.

“It couldn’t be her!” she shouted thoughtfully.

“Why?” Bill asked.

“That reporter said she had brown eyes.”

“Yea, so?” Amelia said confusedly.

“So… Cerise has-”

“Green eyes.” the room chanted in recognition.

“Just like Georg.” Madie confirmed with a slight smile on her face.

I hugged her tightly as she had just relieved us all of a bunch of tension. I, unfortunately, was about to relieve a bit more.

“There is another reason it couldn’t be her, and I’m not exactly proud to say I know this. But she never had an appendectomy; there are no scars like that on her torso.” I was a little ashamed to say it.

I looked over at Madeline and her understanding eyes put me at ease.

“That’s true.” Gustav stated.

Georg gave him a look as if to ask how he knew that.

“Those times we went jogging, she wore a sports bra a few times and I’m sure any of us would have noticed a ghastly scar such as that.”

Georg let out a sigh of relief and fell back into his chair.

“Then the question is, who is the dead girl?” Bill asked.

“I think I might have an answer for that one too.” Madie said and we all turned to listen to her theory.

“Well, Brian, Shayne’s friend, was dating this girl Camilla for a year on and off again and she fit’s the description pretty straight on.”

“Yea, we saw her.” Georg said.

“Well if it is what are we going to do about it?” Bill asked.

“Make an anonymous phone call?” I suggested.

“I’ll do it. I know the most about her.” Madie stated.

I commended her on not only her bravery but her smarts and ability to take charge. She really was to girl for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the second post of the day for my Twin to whom i promised it.
Enjoy all :]