Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Turn this down!

Cerise’s POV

Over the next couple of days Shannon continued being a bitch, Shayne acted as if Camilla never died and treated me better than he had in a while, and the stress continued to eat a hole through me in turn causing me to puck my guts out every few hours.

Shayne seemed slightly worried but Shannon told him that I was only trying to get attention and that I needed to stop being a ‘nasty little anorexic bitch’.

If I wasn’t so sick I’d beat the little whores ass in a second.

I was really irritable too, but who wouldn’t be under these circumstances? The stress was just too much to handle anymore.

At the moment the guys were out doing whatever and I was left home alone again with The Wicked Witch of East Germany. She was in the living room blaring the radio and I could hardly hear myself think. Plus the bass rattling through my head only increased my migraine.

I got up and stormed out of my room to see Shannon jumping around on the furniture in her underwear, something that became her normal everyday apparel, with the residue of Cocaine all over the coffee table and even a little on the carpet.

“Shannon!” I yelled hoping to get her attention but to no avail.

“Shannon!” I yelled again and as she spun around on the couch she saw me and grinned a stupid ridiculous grin at me.

“Hey, baby. You lookin’ for a party?” I could just make out over the music.

“No. Turn this down!” I yelled and she just kept dancing.

When she saw that I was glaring at her she gave me quite the quizzical look. I pointed my finger down hoping she’d get the just.

Instead she hoped down of the couch and started laughing.

“Turn the music down!” I yelled after stepping closer to her.

She made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and grabbed the remote. But then she looked at me tauntingly and turned it up another few notches. I swear I could feel everything in my head vibrating, whether from the music or sheer anger I didn’t know, nor did I care.

“Turn the fucking music down!” I screamed this time.

She just threw her head back and cackled, sliding down the couch to the floor.

I reached forward and snatched the remote out of her hand and turned the system off with one quick click of the power button.

“What the hell?! I was listening to that, bitch.” she said from the floor sounding slightly peeved.

“I don’t know how. You should be fucking deaf by now; that is way too loud. Do you want the damn cops called out for a noise complaint?” I snapped at her.

“Only if they’re hot and’ll give me a lap dance.” she chortled.

“You’re fucking hopeless.” I said shaking my head.

“What the fuck ever, you dirty little skank. Quit bitchin’; I don’t give a fuck.” she yelled at me.

“Shut your fuckin’ porn star mouth and clean this damn mess up!” I yelled and turned to walk away, but she couldn’t just keep her mouth shut.

“Oh go cry to your mommy you little bitch.” she laughed.

I clinched my jaw and tightened my grip on the remote still in my hand. I spun around and threw it right at her face hitting her in the lip and got a very satisfied feeling as it began to bleed.

“Listen up you fucking cum guzzling gutter slut. Don’t ever mention my mother again, or next time I swear to god it’ll be more than the fucking remote.” I screamed and she looked at me dazedly; she was too coked out to do much more.

“Damn, are you on the rag or what?” I heard her mumble as I walked away.

I was about to turn around and bitch her out again until I realized that I wasn’t on my period, and hadn’t been in a while.

I panicked and went into my room shutting the door behind me loudly.

I went to my calendar and flipped a few months back and realized I hadn’t gotten my period in two months.

No period, mood swings, barfing…Oh Shit!

I grabbed my jacket and slipped on a pair of flats as I pulled my hair up into a messy bun.

As I walked past the living room I only took two second to notice that Shannon was actually picking up some of her mess.

“If Shayne gets back tell him I went for a walk. Don’t forget.”

“’K.” she said quietly and I figured I wouldn’t get much more out of her.

I walked outside and down the sidewalk toward the gas station.

I needed a pregnancy test…fast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, bitch went down xD
and the plot thickens!

Thanks to all of my readers, commenters, and/or subscribers.