Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

I’ll go with you.

Madeline’s POV

We were back in Georg’s apartment a few days later watching the new. Yesterday I made an anonymous phone call suggesting that the girl might be Camilla. The police contacted her parents and after they identified the body it was confirmed live on the 10 o’clock news.

“I can’t believe it.” Amelia said.

“Georg? Are you ok?” I asked him. He was acting a little on edge, and rightfully so; his cousin’s life was indeed in danger.

“I’m not sure.” he said at first. After a few second of what looked like him trying to compose himself he asked, “Madie, could Shayne…I mean…do you think he’s capable of doing something like that?”

Everyone in the room stared at me and I was only slightly nervous. I hated being out on the spot, but Tom’s warm embrace reminded me that I was going to be ok. I didn’t need to worry about saying bad things about Shayne.

“Actually, yea. I don’t think dumping her body would phase him at all. Brian on the other hand, I don’t know if he’d allow it. He used to love Camilla at some point.” I said matter-of-factly

“Cerise is with that creep.” Gustav said to himself gazing down at the floor.

He was dealing with this just as hard as Georg was. They had become really good friends while she was here and it was obvious that he still cared whether or not she was ok.

“So what are we going to do?” Bill asked.

I could see the hurt in Amelia’s eyes knowing that Bill was the first to suggest helping out Cerise. She loved him so much it hurt her.

“I’ll drive over tomorrow and see if she’s alright.” Georg spoke up.

“I’ll go with you,” Gustav suggested.

I was a little surprised that Sam hadn’t said a whole two words while she was here. She kept texting on her phone and barely knew who we were talking about.

Everything was settled and we each retired to different parts of the house for the night. I sat in Tom’s room with him, he was up against his headboard on his bed and I sat at his desk.

“Does it bother you that Georg wants to help her?” he asked suddenly.

“No, not really. I mean, I don’t really like her very much, but I like Shayne even less and I guess part of me feels for her. That is if anything is even wrong.”

“Yea, that’s understandable.” he sighed.

“Are you upset about it?” I questioned him.

“I’m more upset that any guy has the nerve to leave a girl out there like that.” his eyes held a dark energy in them that I would have been scared of had I not known Tom and that it only meant he was sickened by Shayne.

I nodded understandingly and as if he could read my mind he scooted over to the side of his bed and leaned over to me, taking my hand in his.

“Nothing is going to change between us, Madie. I promise. I love you, no one else. Ever.” I smiled at him and leaned in further, kissing him sweetly on the lips.

“I love you too, Tom.”

He stood and pulled me into a hug that lasted forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and a filler, but tomorrows is better :]

thanks to all of my readers, commetners, and/or subscribers.