Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

It’s just so long.

Amelia’s POV

After discussing everything about Cerise this evening I decided to come back to our apartment and just watch TV. Georg and Sam went out somewhere and Tom and Madie were over at his place with Bill and Gustav.

I was kind of upset about Bill being so interested in Cerise again; she was only ever going to get in my way. But she was Georg’s family and I ha to learn to accept the fact that she’d more than like be around one way or another.

There was a knock on my door that pulled me from my thoughts and I got up to answer it.

“Hey, Eli.” Bill said from the hallway.

“Hey. Come on in.” I closed the door after him and went back to sitting on the couch.

“So what are you watching?” he questioned.

“Nothing really, just kind of flipping through the channels.”

“Oh, about the same thing I was doing over there.” he chuckled.

“Yea? So why did you come over?”

He shrugged before saying, “I was bored and figured I’d come keep you company since you’re all alone.” he smiled and I returned it.

“Well that was nice of you. I have been kind of lonely lately; I haven’t really gotten out too much.” I said and slumped down into the couch a little further.

“We just hung out last week.” he chuckled again.

“True, but other than that I’ve been doing just about this every day.” I said gesturing to the TV.

“Eh that’s not too bad if you surround yourself with the right people.” he smiled and then reached for the remote.

I couldn’t help but feel a small flutter in my chest.

“Oh this is supposed to be good. Have you seen it yet?” he asked.

“No, I haven’t.”

“We should watch it, if you don’t mind that is.” he looked over at me quickly.

“yea, this is fine.”

“Great!” he smiled and set the remote on the coffee table then got up to turn the overhead light off.

When he got back to the couch, instead of sitting back in his spot, he laid down and scooted over to me, resting his head on my thigh.

“Is this ok?” he asked lightly as the movie started.

“Yea, you’re fine.” I smiled to myself then settle in to watch the movie.

Tom’s POV

Madie and I were laying on my bed staring at the ceiling just talking. We had discussed the Cerise situation and promised not to let whatever happened in the future interfere with our relationship.

We were now talking about the upcoming tour.

“When do you have to leave?” she asked me.

“In like three weeks.” I replied softly, stroking her hair.

“And when do you get home?”

“About a week before Christmas.”

She whined a little bit but it was cute; she didn’t want me to leave.

“It’s just so long.” she sighed.

“I know, but I promise to call you all the time.”

“Really?” she smiled up at me and I nodded once then kissed her head.

“Good, I might go crazy otherwise.” she giggled.

“Why is that?” I inquired.

“Have you ever lived in a house with just girls for four and a half months?”

I opened my mouth to answer but she sat up quickly cutting me off by covering my mouth with her finger tips.

“Never mind, don’t answer that.” she smiled and it made me laugh. I kissed her fingers before she pulled them away and then wrapped her in my arms and continue laying there talking idly.

It was true; four and a half months was too long. I’d miss her more than she’d ever know.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know, i swithed it up on you all. but tomorrows first of two posts will start out with Cerise again. no worries.

thanks for reading, commenting and/or subscribing.