Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

What Happened?

Georg’s POV

I was jolted awake around 2:00am in the morning by the phone ringing loudly on my night stand. I rolled on my side and grabbed in, quickly answering it.

“Hallo?” I slurred in a voice thick with sleep.

“Georg?” a meek female voice asked from the other end.

“Yes?” I answered slowly, wondering who could be calling me at this hour.

“It’s Cerise.”

My heart stopped and I was waiting for all of my darkest fears to be confirmed.

“Cerise, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” I asked quickly as I swung out of bed and flipped on the bed side lamp.

“Not exactly.” she said quietly.

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?” I asked again.

“I’m at the police station.” She started but spoke quickly to cut me off. “I’m not in that kind of trouble, not with them. But I do need you to come get me.”

I wasn’t too sure, but she almost sounded ashamed to ask for my help.

“Which station are you at?” I asked as I stood to pull on a pair of jeans.

She gave me directions as I finished dressing and after telling her I would leave immediately I hung up and left my room.

Tom exited his room after hearing the ruckus I’d made getting dressed and met me in the living room.

“Georg, what’s going on? It’s like two in the morning.” he asked sleepily.

“Cerise just called me from the police station and I need to go get her.” I answered.

“What?! What happened?”

“I’m not sure but I’ll be back in a little while ok. Hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

“Will do.” he answered be ore I left.

The drive to the police station gave me a lot of time to think. She’d said that she wasn’t in that kind of trouble. What kind was she in then? All I knew was that she needed me and no matter what happened in the past she was still my family and I was responsible for her.

I had to admit that ever since she left I’d been slightly worried about her. My worries had increased since her friend Camilla had died last week.

I pulled into the parking lot of the police station and quickly got inside to the front desk where an elderly man directed me to the back desk where cerise was sitting.

I saw her before she saw me. She was wearing jeans and a sweater and had a suitcase and duffle bag at her feet.

She looked up as I approached and stood ringing her hands nervously at her sides. She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when I pulled her into a hug.

“Are you ok, Cherry?”

Cerise’s POV

I sat nervously waiting for Georg to show up. I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d be upset with me. He sounded frantic on the phone and I let myself believe he was worried about me. I only hoped it wasn’t a false hope.

I heard footsteps advancing and looked up to see Georg standing in front of me.

I stood quickly and tried figuring out what to say but I was cut off when he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me the tightest I’d been hugged in a long time.

“Are you ok, Cherry?” he asked into my hair.

Cherry was a nickname he’d given me when we were just kids. It’s the translation of my name in English.

I couldn’t help but let tears start rolling down my eyes and heaving sobs ripple throughout my body.

“What happened?” he asked again.

After stepping back and looking him in the eyes I knew he truly was worried about me and I felt the shattered pieces of my heart start to move back together.

“A lot of stuff happened. But the reason I’m here is…” I tried to find it in me to tell him what had just happened hours earlier, but I was afraid of what he’d think of me.

“Cerise, it’s ok. I’m not going to be angry with you, just please tell me.”

I took a deep breath and steadied my self.

I nodded before saying, “I got pregnant. I just found out and told Shayne today; it’s his. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with me or the baby so he kicked me out. I walked to a park and fell asleep on a bench. The police found me there and brought me in. I explained to them that I was underage and kind of ran away. That’s when I called you.”

“You’re pregnant?” he looked shocked, but not repulsed. So far.

“Yea, it was a mistake, I know. But I can’t do anything about it now; I’m already like 2 months along, I think.” I told him.

He nodded and then reached up to brush my hair out of the way.



“I’m really sorry. For everything that happened before.” I apologized and let a tear slide down my cheek.

“I know, that’s all in the past. Let’s worry about now. I’m going to go talk to the officer and see if I can take you home.” he said before turning away to talk to officer that brought me in.

♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo, so what do you guys think?
Are you for team Cerise yet? Who's team are you on?
I know i haven't delt with the other girls much yet, but once everyone is together again it'll start getting more interesting. That i can promise lol