Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

What about her?

Tom’s POV

I sat on the foot of my bed going over tomorrow night’s details; I had planned the perfect evening for Madeline and me. I felt guilty that she’d been cooped up inside for the past couple weeks what with the incident after our last outing. I knew she never wanted to be in the public’s eye or in magazines and I didn’t blame her. She understood that to some degree she’d gain a bit of fame through me; when you date a rock star it tends to happen. So for tomorrow night I had fixed it so that no one I didn’t want to know would know our whereabouts. It was some what secluded and utterly romantic; at least that’s what Amelia said. Amelia is Madeline’s twin sister and falling head over heels for my twin, Bill. Funny, I know; two sets of twins.

“And the candles?” I asked Jack, a friend of mine helping me with the arrangements.

“Vanilla scented Pillar candles just like you asked.”

“Great! What about the Calla Lilies?” I knew Calla Lilies were Madie’s Favorite and thought it’d be nice to have some there.

“Three Dozen; I’ll put them six to a vase and leave one out for you to give to her.” Jack explained.

“Excellent! So how’s the view?” that would be one of the main things I’d hope to take her breath away.

“It’s amazing, especially at night. Oh, and I got the sound system set up and have that mix CD you gave me in and ready to go. I’ll have the remote already out for you.” Jack informed me.

“Perfect! Man I can’t thank you enough for helping me out like this. It means a lot.” I said.

As Jack began to tell me that it was no problem, the clicking of my bedroom door caught my attention and I looked up just in time to see Bill walking in. he stopped and bit at his lip seeing that I was on the phone and started backing out with an apologetic expression on his face. I shook me head saying it was alright and waved him in. he closed the door behind him and took a seat in the chair across from me.

“Was there anything else you needed?” Jack asked.

“Not that I can think of.”

“Well if you do, don’t hesitate to call.” he said.

“Alright man, thanks again.”

After saying goodbye I spanned my cell shut and tossed it on the bed beside me.

“What’s up?” I asked Bill, taking in is solemn expression.

He exhaled loudly, puffing out his cheeks in the process before saying, “It’s Eli.”

“What about her?” I questioned. Eli was the nickname we’d given to Amelia shortly after we met her.

“She’s just…I don’t know, so great.” he said before chewing on his inner cheek.

“Umm. Ok. And what is so bad about her being ‘so great’?” I asked with a faint chuckle to my voice.

“Tom, I’m just not ready.” he sighed and dropped his perfectly manicured hands into his lap.

I then understood the problem. Bill was still dealing with his last relationship, which as we all know ended badly; Cerise; Georg’s cousin had dated both Bill and I at the same time along with Madie’s ex, Shayne. He was having major trust issues as of late.

“Bill, you know Eli is nothing like Cerise; she’d never do anything to hurt you.” I condoled.

“I know, but I can’t just open back up and let her in, and I know that that will hurt her more than just not being with me.”

“True as that may be, I’m sure she’d rather deal with a rocky, guarded relationship than none at all. Don’t remake her earn your trust just because of Cerise’s mistakes.” I was trying to help work things out for both parties; I know how much Eli cares for Bill because she tells Madie everything and with her being my girlfriend I in turn hear it all as well.

“I’m not trying to. I’m always polite with her and we still hang out all the time. If I was looking for a best friend she’d be a top contender. But I know she wants more, so every time she starts with the flirting or being suggestive I change the subject.” he said aggrivatedly.


“I know, Tom. I know. I’m just scared; I can’t do the heartache again.” he sat playing idly with his hands, examining his immaculate nails.

“I understand. I guess all I can say is to keep an open mind and it’ll happen when it happens. I don’t think she’s going anywhere.” I grinned and he returned it with a crooked smile of his own.

“Yes, she is persistent.” he laughed.

“She knows what she wants. And being a girl I don’t think she’ll stop ‘til she gets it.” we both laughed at that and shook our heads softly.

“That’s good though. At least her waiting around for me shows she’s serious about this.”

“Exactly, so chill out.” I said in a brotherly tone.

“Will do.” he laughed and stood from his seat in the chair. “And thanks for the talk.”

“No problem, bro. It’s what I’m here for.” I stood and we embraced each other in a quick hug before he left my room.

I sat back down shaking my head and smiling; Bill could be so overly complicated at times, but that was my brother for you, and I wouldn’t have him any other way.
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