Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

You ready?

Madeline’s POV

Tom had come over and woken everyone up saying that Georg had just left for the police station to retrieve Cerise. He hadn’t said what was wrong but we were all curious and wanted to find out.

Amelia, Sam and I went over and sat with the boys waiting for Georg to return.

“So he said he’s bringing her back?” Amelia asked.

“Well, he said he needed to go get her so I can only guess that’s what he meant.” Tom answered.

“I can’t believe he’s bringing hr back here.” Bill said under his breath, but we all still heard him.

“Hey, we don’t know what’s going on, so let’s just wait before we start getting all pissy, ‘k?” Tom said to him.

Bill just rolled his eyes and continued to sit quietly.

“He didn’t say what was wrong with her?” Gustav asked.

“No, I don’t think she said.” Tom answered.

“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.” I said as I snuggled into Tom’s side and he wrapped me in his arms. Just as I got comfortable and was about to shut my eyes the door opened and in stepped Georg followed by none other than Miss Cerise Kuniff.

Cerise’s POV

The drive from the police station back to Georg’s — I wasn’t quite ready to call it home again, not just yet — was pretty much silent, but a good kind. He only asked if I was comfortable enough and after confirming that I was we hadn’t really said anything the whole way there.

He helped me carry my luggage inside and to the elevator. During the ride upstairs I couldn’t help but think of the dream I’d had last week. I felt a spark of electricity run through my body and almost allowed myself to become excited. Then the doors slid open.

We walk the short distance to his front door and I help my breath.

“You ready?” Georg chuckled slightly.

I shook my head ‘no’ but he reached for the door knob and open the door, walking inside. I followed him and felt completely sick as six sets of eyes landed on me, some not as welcoming as others.

“Guys, be nice. She’s gone through hell and back and I’m moving her back in. If anyone has a problem with that, take it up with me.” he challenged. No one did.

I felt a warm twinge in my stomach as Georg said that. He really did care about me.

“Umm…” I heard and turned my attention toward one of the twin girls.

“Madeline, right?” I said meekly. I figured it was since she was sitting next to Tom.

She nodded before saying, “I don’t mean to sound rude, but you don’t look so good. Are you alright?”

Madeline had also dealt with Shayne, only she was with him for more than a year. I could hardly handle three months.

“As good as I can be.” I shrugged and she nodded knowingly.

As I took a second to glance at the others I took in that her sister Amelia and Bill both didn’t look happy to see me.

How could I blame them.

Sam didn’t really seem to care much either way. Tom seemed ok with my being here and Gustav seemed concerned.

“Well, lets go get you settled in. We can play catch up tomorrow.” Georg said. I nodded to the room and followed him down the hall to my old room.

Madeline’s POV

Cerise really didn’t look good. I knew what she meant by saying ‘As good as I can be’. it was hard to be any better than ok while staying with Shayne.

“I don’t want to be here right now.” Bill said angrily.

“You can come stay with me if you like.” Amelia offered and I knew she was taking the situation to her advantage.

Bill nodded and stood with Amelia. We all agreed that we’d talk more at a decent hour and left for our own beds. I kissed Tom goodnight before I left then followed the others down the hall.

This is going to be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to my readers, commenters and/or subscribrs.