Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Is it?

Cerise’s POV

I followed Georg down the hall to my old room, most everything was still in its place besides the bed stripped of it’s bedding. He set my things in the floor near the desk and walked out to grab some sheets.

I gazed at the things that’d been left behind when I was kicked out. Posters and my stereo, a stack of CD’s I hadn’t room for. Some of my clothes still even hung in the closet.

I walked over to my window and pushed the curtain away to look at the street below. I once snuck out of this window to go to a party with Brian. That was the first time I’d met Shayne. I shuddered at the thought of him and turned away just in time to catch Georg coming back with my bedding.

“These are the same sheets you used before. I washed them of course, but —” he stopped and picked at the edges of the sheet. It was obvious that picking up where we left off wasn’t going to happen. “— I uh, grabbed you a different blanket seeing as it’s warmer out. That comforter would’ve been too much, I think.”

He set the stuff on my bed and then stuffed his hands in his pockets, chewing at the inside of his cheek.

“Thanks.” I said simply and he nodded in response.

“It’s good to have you back.” he said but still didn’t look up at me.

“Is it?” I asked skeptically.

At this he raised his head and looked on at me confusedly.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Well, did you see everyone out there? They don’t all seem to thrilled to have me here.” it was the truth, and the truth hurt.

Sure Madeline had been nice when I came in; she hadn’t made one snide remark. She seemed to show a bit of concern which was a lot more than I had gotten from any one in months. I admit, she made me want to cry. I admired her in a way, and envied what she got to become.

She had fallen in love with Shayne at a point and after time he got sick of her and used her and then beat her and threatened the lives of her loved ones. She was trapped in a relationship with him with no hope of getting out. That is until Tom came along. He fell in love with her and saved her life. She’d become a better more stable person because he stayed by her side.

I wished I could have that. I don’t want to grow up being hated by the only people I want to love me. I want my baby to have more than just me for family.

“Cherry, don’t worry. They’ll warm up to the idea after time. The only advise I can give you is to not do what you did last time.” he half heartedly smiled but I could see the seriousness in his eyes.

“Trust me, I wont.” I smiled smally at him.

I stood for only a second before walking to him and giving him the hug I’d been waiting months for. I breathed him in deep and remembered the days when we were only children and nothing in the world mattered more than what color popsicle you got or making it to the pool before anyone else to ensure you got the best floaty.

“Thank you for every thing, Georg. I love you.”

I felt him stiffen in shock for only a moment before hugging me tighter and replying, “I love you, too, Cherry.”

We said our goodnights and he left me to get everything situated.

After making up my bed and changing into some pajamas —they still smelled like everything at Shayne’s house so I’d have to remember to wash them all tomorrow — I turned out the lights and crawled under the covers.

Before falling asleep though, I made a conscious decision to set things straight with everyone. I had some apologies to make and could only hope I’d be forgiven.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, I haven't been home lately and had no computer access. I should be back to normal now, though.

Thanks for reading.