Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

I like the black one.

I was in my room getting ready for mine and Tom’s date tonight, but struggling between two outfits. Tom still hadn’t given me any clues as to where we’d be going, but insured that there’d be no cameras so I was a little relieved. So far it was a toss up between black or white; both were classy and worked great for semi-formal and each outfit was fun.

“Who knew getting dressed could be so hard?” I mumbled to myself.

Just then a knock came to my door and I turned away from the outfits to answer it.

“You need help with something?” Amelia asked as soon as I opened the door.

“Yea, I was actually just about to come get you.” I chuckled.

“Oh the powers of a twin.” she sighed in a loud sing song voice as she made her way over to my bed where both outfits lay.

I didn’t even have to ask what the almost bored, upset expression on her face meant; she was depressed. And I only needed one guess as to what exactly she was depressed over. It would be the same thing she’d been depressed over for the past month. Even though I knew all of this I also knew that she needed to be asked what was wrong.

So without hesitation I walked over to my sister and hooked an arm around her shoulders and asked, “What’s the matter, Lia?”

She drew in a deep breath and shook her head slowly; her face puckering slightly as she tried to hold back to tears that brimmed her eyes and threatened to spill down her cheeks.

“It’s Bill, isn’t it?” I said more than asked and she nodded.

“What this time?”

“It’s al-ways the- same.” she got out between little hiccups.

“Sweetie, he just needs time.” I tried soothing her.

“What, three months isn’t long enough?” she said frustratedly.

“You remember how long it took Jean, don’t you?” I asked.


“Well Bill loved her like Jean did, therefore he needs time. Don’t try and force the situation because that’ll only make it harder for him. Be there for him but as a friend and in time he’ll realize he wants you as more.” I said with a definite tone.

“You’re sure?” she asked.

“Positive. If he’s anything like Tom them I’m sure he will.” I chuckled.

“That’s like people saying ‘if we’re anything alike’.” she too laughed.

“Exactly.” we shared a smile then she turned to my outfit dressed bed.

“I like the black one.” she said and picked up the dress holding it to my front and looking on at me.

“Yea? It’s not too much?” I questioned.

“No way, its perfect.” she smiled.

“Great! Now I just have to shower and get ready for my surprise date.” I rolled my eyes playfully and she laughed.

“You know something, I can tell.” I accused.

“Not saying a word. Go get your stinky butt in the shower.” she laughed and headed back toward the door.

“Amelia?” I stopped her.


“You should ask Bill to help you with that shipment of frames that came in on Tuesday.” I suggested.

“That’s a great idea, I’ll do that later.” and with that she left me to get ready for my date tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry for the delay, I either had Internet issues or writer's block, but of course never at the same time xD

Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers.