Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

Yea, ok.

Cerise’s POV

The silence in the caused an earsplitting buzzing sound to fill my head making me feel like my skull was about to shatter. I tried opening my eyes to see what the hell could be making the awful sound but immediately slammed my eyelids shut; it was as if someone was holding a spotlight directly in front of my face. My head began to pound with the steady beat of a bass drum. Damn, hangovers are a bitch.

I prepared myself this time and slowly parted my lash framed lids, allowing the most minimal amounts of light in at a time as possible. After wiping the sleep from my eyes the ceiling of Shayne’s bedroom came into view.

Images of last night played through my mind and I remembered nothing more than vodka, cocaine and sex. That was a very routine thing as of late and it kept my mind from thinking too out of range.

I rubbed my temples trying to minimize the throbbing pain and sighed loudly before rolling on my side and receiving a bit of a shock.

Lying next to me naked as the day she was born…yes, she…was Camilla. Her bronze body shining at me in a mocking sense under the light filtering in from the window. Her ample chest rising and falling steadily as she slept.

“Great.” I sighed softly as I now remembered who had given me such mind blowing sex last night. Maybe it was only so mind blowing because I wasn’t actually in my right mind during the time.

Shayne had convinced me some time ago though that it was “hot” to be with Camilla. He liked it and said it turned him on, so being the dipshit I usually was while intoxicated went ahead a screwed the shit out of her.

It was safe to say that no one in this house was quite normal and being under the affects of alcohol and drugs just emphasized that fact. After that first weekend I spent here it was safe to say that no one was as sane as they clamed to be. Shayne had taken on the title he liked to call “bi-curious” and started experimenting with his friend Brian. After seeing that once it was something I vowed to never willing watch again, although I had encountered it a few other times by accident. Let’s just say it was smart to knock before going into his room.

He always said he loved me more than any of the people he brought over to screw, but that being open and trying new things helped keep our relationship healthy. I think he’s full of shit but won’t say anything; I need a place to live.

I looked over at Camilla once more and couldn’t help but laugh a little to myself; Shayne would die if he knew she was far better than he ever dreamed of being.

I pulled the sheet from my sticky body and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I swiped my matted hair from my forehead and stood slowly as to not fall over from my dizzy state.

I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower, making sure that the water was just so hot. I stepped in and let it wash away my everything. I didn’t want to think of anything that was going on around me. I stood under the steaming cascade for only a minute longer before the bathroom door clicked open then shut and Camilla’s head came into view as she opened the shower door and peered in.

“Hey baby, Shannon is coming over today so we need to hurry up, ok.” she slurred making it obvious that she was still inebriated.

“Yea, ok.” I said.

Shannon was Camilla’s friend and soon became mine as well; she was our dealer. Well actually, her “boyfriend” was the dealer, she was more the go-between.

Camilla stepped in beside me making it obvious that she too would be showering this morning. She turned her head to me and kissed my mouth very sloppily before turning to wash her tangled blonde hair.

I couldn’t help but realized how wrong my life had become in the past three months. Ever since…since…

It pained me to think of my cousin and how much he cared about me. That is until he found me out, then he couldn’t hate me more. I wouldn’t admit it out loud but I missed Georg…and the boys. If only I could…

Camilla’s hands wandering over my wet body pulled me from my reverie and I quickly understood where this morning would lead to.

I guess you can’t run form what you really are.
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Ok don't shoot me, i've been so out of it lately and i do apologize for that.
but hopefully this nice little twist made up for it! :]