Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

It’s Camilla.

Cerise’s POV

I was standing in an elevator that seemed to be moving up at the moment. I wasn’t sure where I was because the inside of the elevator was a very plain beige color with carpets that matched.

Looking up at the numbers as they passed I waited anxiously, knowing that when ever the doors opened I’d have something big to do.

I didn’t feel like my current, degrading self either. I felt new and better. Loved and respected. I knew that whatever it was I had to do would eventually gain me what I’d always wanted.

The doors slid open and a chime echoed in the air around me.

I stepped out of the elevator into a hallway that was just as ordinary in its decorations. That, however, was unimportant. The cosmetics of this building didn’t change just how important it was to me. I could feel that deep within me.

I walked to the left and the doors almost zoomed past, as if I wasn’t really walking at all. I practically flew down the hall and vaguely wondered if this was what it’d be like to die.

Was I dead?

No; I could feel that I was alive.

Finally I stopped in front of a numberless door and a small voice in my head whispered, ‘Her number’s up’.

I reached a hand out to knock on the door, ignoring the voice in my head, and I could feel a presence on the other side. I knew this is what was supposed to happen.

‘Cerise.’ I distant voice called but I wasn’t ready to leave yet.

‘Cerise!’ it yelled again.

I knew that in only seconds the door would open and I’d be home.

‘God damn it, Cerise! Wake up!’

I stirred slightly and my eyelids fluttered open slowly.

Shayne was standing over me with a frantic look covering his face. Beads of sweat were starting to collect on his brow as if he’d just finished some extreme workout session.

“What is it, Shayne?” I asked tiredly.

“It’s Camilla.” he said shakily.

“What about Camilla?” I asked slowly as I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look at him.


“What, Shayne?!”

“God, I don’t know how this happened.” he said to himself.

“Shayne. If you don’t tell me now…” I cut myself short not knowing what exactly I had to threaten him with.

“Cerise…she…Camilla died.” he finally got out and dropped his head.

“She what? How?”

“I don’t know. She was face down in her vomit…”

“Oh my God. What are we gonna do?” I asked him fearfully.

“What the hell am I supposed to do, Cerise?” He yelled.

“I don’t know! Call 911 maybe!” I said as it was the only logical thing to do. But of course I wasn’t really dealing with someone familiar in logistics.

“Hell no! I have a better idea.”
♠ ♠ ♠
any ideas on what's going throught Shayne's sick and twisted head? lol

Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers!