Status: Hiatus [lost interest, sorry]

So This Is Love

It sure was.

Amelia’s POV

“They’re just back here.” I said after Bill and I walked through the entrance to the gallery.

“I haven’t been here in a while.” he said from behind me.

I turned to see him looking around at some of the improvements that had been made recently.

“Yea, stuff has changed.” I said simply as I followed his gaze. It landed on the far wall, one tucked away behind an exhibit. One splattered with life and color.

“Not everything though.” he smiled smally and walked over to the wall.

I followed him after letting him get a few steps in front of me. It was awkward how I could never let him get too far from me; almost as if I let him leave I’d be loosing him.

I shook the feeling and stopped at his side and gazed up at the memory held in place.

“That was a fun day.” I murmured.

“A great day.” Bill smiled and turned his head to look at me.

His beautiful chocolate eyes seemed to glow in the light that filtered in from the windows and I almost swore I caught a glimpse of what I’d felt for so long in them.

I pulled away, not wanting to set myself up for any hurt, and gestured toward the back of the room.

“The frames are just this way.”

He nodded and allowed me to lead him to them.

“We’ll have to pull the plastic wrapping off of them and then place them accordingly.” I instructed.

“According to what?”

“Uh…I haven’t gotten that far just yet.” I chuckled and Bill joined in.

“How about according to size? Then you can put whichever ones you need in their places later on.” he suggested.


We set to work, silently tearing the plastic from each frame and disposing of it in the trash. Most of the smaller ones where done first and set off to one side. Then the rest set in piles of medium, large and freakin’ gynormous.

I’d just unwrapped on of the larger wooden ones and attempted to move it but only seemed to get a few feet before it began to teeter and started coming down on me.

“Whoa, whoa, watch it.” Bill exclaimed as he rushed over next to me to aid in my transporting it.

He gripped it from the other side and in doing so his hand was placed nearly on top of mine. I would have moved it if it didn’t mean dropping the frame, but then the thought came to mind that if it was a problem he’d have moved it himself before he’d started walking.

This sent a little jolt of glee throughout my body and I tried suppressing a smile as we set the frame among the others its size.

“What is it?” Bill asked, taking note of my twitching lips.

“Nothing.” I attempted to cease his questioning but to no avail.

“Then what are you trying not to smile about?” he asked and I could hear the underlying playful tone in is voice. He too was trying to hold back his grin.

I thought quickly for a lie; I didn’t want to admit that his hand on mine sent electrical waves through me for fear that it’d scare him off. We were doing so well today and not even my want for happiness could allow anything to ruin this moment.

“That thing almost smashed me.” I chuckled and jerked a thumb and the frame now lying with the others.

“I know.” he laughed and shook his head.

“I would have been the one being framed then, wouldn’t I?” I laughed and that seemed to do the trick; Bill let loose and emitted the most glorious sound he’d let spill past his lips in months. A laugh.

Not just any laugh either, one from the depths of his inner self. The kind that made your entire body shake and tears roll down your face.

He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen and how I wanted him for myself. But if he didn’t want me, if I could not make him this happy always…well, I don’t know what I’d do.

“That was really an extraordinary day. Wasn’t it, Eli?”

“It sure was, Bill. It sure was.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not posting yesterday.
If i'm feeling generous later on I'll post a second time to make up for it :D

Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers.