Status: active :]

Mikayla VS The Muscles

When Mikayla Brennan is forced into a summer camp by her all too willing parents, she believes it is the worse thing to ever happen to her.Surprisingly, certain people and events change her opinion until she finds herself lost in the wilderness with only the wild animals to keep her company. Kay wanders around looking for any clues to what could lead her back to her group (and the gorgeous Nathan that she finds herself... and unfortunately most of the girls, crushing on). As she wanders farther and farther into the forest in her attempt to find them, she discovers two men talking about their duty to carry out Evangeline's plan. Who is Evangeline? And why is she plotting this disastrous plan? Before Kay learns anymore of this "plan" she is seen and the men are now after Kay to stop her from leaking their plan. Now Kay has two problems: She's running from two VERY large men and the mysterious Evangeline, and she's LOST!