‹ Prequel: Demons and Dark Doors

Searching For a Soul

Good Morning Death

I woke with a start. The dream I'd been having broke apart into little shards of happiness to reveal the horrors of Hell. The screaming of tortured souls rattled in my eardrums. The smell of sulfur and brimstone burned the insides of my nostrils.

It doesn't really bother me anymore. Hell, that is. People down on Earth think of this place with eternal torture and crap like that. All it is is really hot. Unless you were a real asshole upstairs. THEN it gets bad. I've seen some of the things demons do to people up here. It's revolting.

The memories of my own torture threatened to surface again, but I just thrust them deep inside. Didn't need that right now. As I got out of bed and started to stand up, Damon ran past and the momentum threw me back. That guy can move. Damon is my Death found buddy. Death has his soul hidden away somewhere too.

It's been months since Death came to my home and slaughtered my family. Ever since then, I've only been back down to Earth once. The way down through the clouds is rough and don't even get me started on the planes. Their always right where I don't want them to be. I got sucked into one of the engines that time. Back on Earth they were finding chunks of me for ages. I just got propelled back to Hell and was rebuilt. Not a pleasant experience.

I made a move to get up again. The moment I was on my feet for the second time, that black smoke came towards me. It was everywhere. The Demons enjoyed misting around us little people. It was painful as they went through you.

"Stop." A voice from the door whispered. Death had come back. Awesome.
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I know it's really short but I can't think of anything else at the moment.