Poker Face

Tomato, Tomahto

Okay so as I mentioned at the end of the last one, I made a slight error while writing this story. It has to do with the time line. As you all know, the day of Luc’s funeral, that Monday, it was also game 5 of the Stanley Cup. So that means while Kris and Jaime were in Canada, the Penguins were all playing in Detroit. However, for some reason when I wrote this I made Game 5 the day after the funeral, so if you could all pretend that Game 5 was Tuesday I’d appreciate it. Sorry!

Around 7AM the next morning my phone started ringing. “Hello?” I answered sleepily, glancing around. I remembered coming home and passing out in my bed.

“Jaime?” A voice called. I was scared it was Sidney calling to yell at me.


“Jaime it’s Jordan,” he said.

“Oh, Hey Jor. What’s up?” I asked. I heard him take a deep breath.

“I, well our whole team, actually, has a huge favor to ask of you,” he replied quickly. As if I don't do them enough favors.

“Okaaay…what is it?” I wondered.

“It’s a huge favor…I’m sorry we have to ask this of you, it’s just…well we can’t think of anyone else,” he rambled.

“Jordan, just spit it out,” I ordered with a laugh.

“Okay well, Kris was going to come straight to Detroit last night from New Brunswick, but he had to stop in Pittsburgh to get his stuff. So he got a flight from Pittsburgh this morning. I don’t know what he did last night, but now Kris is at the airport, drunk, and they wouldn’t let him on his plane unless he sobered up or had someone sober with him. Needless to say, his response was to go to the bar. We got him another flight, but he’s still drunk. We were wondering if you’d…you know…” he trailed off.

“Are you serious?” I groaned. I heard Jordan chuckle on the other end.

“I’m sorry,” he offered. “We have Game Five tonight, and we can’t not have him.”

“What good would it be if he were drunk anyways?” I said, trying to get out of it.

“He should be sobered up by then…if you keep him out of the booze that is. Please,” he begged.

“Alright, alright,” I conceded.

“Thank you!! We have seats for you and everything to the game and a hotel room,” he said.

“Wow…you knew I wouldn’t say no, didn’t you?” I giggled. He chuckled too and gave me all the information. I got up and packed a bag for the trip. I had a cab drive me to the airport and went on a search for Kris.

Once I made it through security and was around the general area of the boarding gate, I looked around at all the bars. I finally spotted Kris nursing a beer a little ways away. I walked up to him and nudged him with my arm. He turned towards me and his eyebrows furrowed.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He slurred. Not only was his slurring making him hard to understand but apparently his accent was thicker whilst drunk as well.

“I’m here to take you to Detroit since you can’t do it by yourself apparently,” I remarked, taking away his beer and tossing it out. “Come on.” I shoved his things into his lap.

“Hey! I wasn’t done with that…”

“Come on Kris,” I repeated, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the waiting area for our gate. He stumbled behind me so I slowed down and helped him walk. “You’re unbelievable,” I muttered under my breath, stopping at some chairs.

“Shut up. And get off me,” he said, yanking his arm away and plopping down in the chair. I shook my head and approached the main desk for this gate, showing them all my information.

“You’re here for him?” The lady asked, gesturing to Kris.

“Unfortunately,” I replied, blowing the bangs out of my eyes. She chuckled and handed me my stuff back.

“Alright, everything’s in order. Good luck,” she told me. I just smiled and went back towards Kris. He was slouching back in his chair with his hood up and his eyes closed. I sat down quietly in the chair next to him, but he still noticed me.

“Why are you here?” He asked.

“I already told you Kris. I’m here to take you to Detroit-”

“No, I mean why are you here?” He repeated venomously.

“Because Jordan called me up and asked me to. As a favor to the team,” I told him.

“You’re only doing it as a favor to the team? So, if I called and asked for the favor you wouldn’t have done it?” He challenged. I turned my head to look at him. I knew he was trying to pick a fight so I decided to give him the answer he was least expecting. I did not want to have a screaming match in an airport with a drunk hockey player whom I could barely understand as it was with his accent.

“Of course I would Kris. You know I would,” I stated, looking away. “You would never call me though. Unless you thought sex was involved.” I could still feel his gaze on me, though he didn’t say anything after that. Actually, we didn’t say two words to each other the whole way to Detroit. Kris fidgeted the whole way, which aggravated me because I wanted him to go to sleep so he’d wake up a little more sober. I could tell at baggage claim he was exhausted, because while we were waiting for his suitcase he leaned up against a support beam and kept nodding off. “Kris,” I said nudging him.

“Huh?” He sounded, jerking awake. His eyes were red, probably from tiredness and crying.

“Did you get any sleep last night?” He shook his head no. “Why didn’t you sleep on the plane?”

“I don’t like planes,” he shrugged. I looked back at the baggage claim, which had just started circulating the luggage from our flight.

“What does your bag look like?” I asked. When he didn’t answer I looked at him, and he was nodding off again. I nudged him another time. “Kris.”

“Hm?” He stood up straight, abandoning the support beam.

“What does your bag look like?” I repeated. He held out his duffle bag to me.

“Like this,” he said slowly, wondering why I would ask such a stupid question.

“I meant your other one,” I sighed.

“I don’t have another one,” he stated.

“Then why are we over here?” I asked, dumbfounded.

“I dunno…I followed you,” he said. I threw my hands up in frustration and walked away towards the exit. Once I was outside I hailed a cab, and I saw Kris lugging behind me tiredly. We got in and I gave him the directions to the hotel. Kris was already sleeping next to me. I shook my head and looked out the window as we rode in the car.

When we arrived at the hotel I managed to wake Kris up and get his ass shoved out of the cab without too much trouble. I paid the driver and grabbed my bag. I looked at Kris to see if he had his bag and he did, but he was also leaning up against the building, sleeping.

Fucking narcoleptic, I swear. I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward into the building. “Woah…” he murmured. “Jaime why do you keep dragging me places? I just want to suh-leep,” he whined.

“Kris, we’re at the hotel. As soon as I get you in your room, you can sleep soundly, okay?” I replied, annoyed.

“Fine…just hurry up,” he said, leaning on me as we walked. I approached the check in desk.

“Hello, I’ll be with you in one moment,” the lady said to me. I nodded and smiled politely as she walked over to one of her co-workers about something. Kris wrapped his arm around me suddenly and pulled me in, and placed his head on my shoulder.

“I’m just gonna rest here a second,” he yawned. I rolled my eyes but I didn’t push him away. Within seconds, I could tell he was drifting in and out of sleep. Every so often he would start slouching and swaying, so I had to support him to make sure he wouldn’t fall over. The lady came back over and smiled at me.

“Sorry about that,” she apologized. “Aw, that’s too cute,” she added, motioning to Kris. “Long trip or something?”

“Yeah,” I told her. “Something like that.”

“Are you checking in?”

“Yes ma’am,” I replied. Why else would I be at the fucking check in desk? She typed something on her computer and looked back up at me.

“Name?” She asked.

“Jaime Monroe,” I said, trying to get all my stuff out without disturbing Kris. I gave her my ID. “Jordan Staal’s the one who made our reservations, so I don’t have any of the paperwork. He said he dropped it off and to let you guys know.”

“Oh yes! I was the one he dealt with. I have everything in order for you Ms. Monroe,” she informed, typing away at the computer. “Mr. Staal checked you in already so all I need to do is get your keys for you.”

“Oh, okay great!” I said, relieved that I didn’t have to worry about everything. After a few moments she handed me the room keys and everything else I needed.

“Here you are, enjoy your stay,” she finished. I hesitated. “Was there something else?”

“Um, yes,” I said, shifting Kris up to lean on me better. He grumbled and gripped me tighter. “I have to check him in as well.”

“Oh, I’m sorry! I assumed you were in the same room,” she said, typing on the computer again.

“That’s okay. Easy mistake,” I offered tilting my head to Kris. She laughed and asked me for his name. “Kristopher Letang.” Kris’s head shot up upon hearing his name but his eyes were still closed.

“Kristopher with a K,” he said out of habit. I smiled and the lady and I both stifled a laugh.

“Yes…Kristopher with a K,” I obliged. She nodded and Kris put his head back down. After a few moments she got an uneasy look on her face. “Something wrong?” Upon hearing me say that Kris’s head shot up again and he woke up a little, but he kept his arm tightly around my waist.

“Wrong? Something wrong? What’s wrong?” Kris shot out, pushing his hood down.

“Well, er, your room was given away sir,” she confessed sheepishly. Kris’s head snapped toward me and his eyes were wide with an expression that said ‘Do something! Now!’ When I just shrugged innocently he nudged me.

“Uh, okay, well,” I stammered, looking back at her. “Why?” Was all I could come up with.

“He missed check in,” she told us. I closed my eyes and turned my head towards him, and when I finally opened my eyes I gave Kris the iciest glare I could muster. He looked at me with wide innocent eyes and shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips.

“I missed my plane,” he said.

“No, you were drunk and they didn’t let you on it,” I remarked.

“Tomato, tomahto,” he shrugged. “Can we just hurry this up? I’m tired.” We both turned our attention back to the lady, who jumped at our simultaneous actions. “Why was she able to check in?”

“Jordan checked me in,” I answered, taking the heat off the poor lady who had nothing to do with this. I saw his head snap towards me and now he was the one glaring.

“Why didn’t Jordan check me in?” He whined. I ignored him and looked at the lady.

“Can we just get him a room please? He’s like a three year old who gets cranky without his nap,” I implored. “Actually he’s like a three year old all the time.” Kris shot me a glare. The lady got another uneasy look on her face.

“I’m sorry, we’re booked solid,” she said. “A lot of people came to see the Stanley Cup game-”

“A lot of people came to see the Stanley Cup? I’m in the fucking Stanley Cup. I need to rest before tonight’s game! I need a room!” Kris yelled. I elbowed him in the ribs.

“Shh! Jesus,” I muttered. I looked at the lady pleadingly but she just smiled apologetically. “Thanks anyways…sorry for the trouble,” I told her shooting a look at Kris at the word ‘trouble.’

“Oh no, we’re sorry about the inconvenience!” She assured. After exchanging a few more polite words I walked away from the desk, Kris following swiftly. He grabbed my hand and turned me around.

“Can’t I stay in your room?” He whined.

“No,” I answered simply, turning away. He caught me however and pulled me in, putting his head in the crook of my neck.

“Please?! Jaime, I’m so tired. My head kills and I have a game in a few hours,” he reasoned.

“Not my fault,” I rebutted. “You’re the one who decided to get drunk and ‘miss’ his flight. Deal with it.” I tried pulling away but he didn’t let go. He just held tighter and buried his head further into my neck.

“My best friend just died,” he mumbled. “Of course I got drunk.”

“You’re not helping your case here, Kris,” I informed him. He finally lifted his head up to look me in the eyes but he didn’t let me go.

“Look, Jaime, I just need this one little favor from you, alright?” He said, sounding angry.

“You made it very clear that you never needed me, Kris,” I replied sadly. I pushed him away softly and surprisingly he let go. I walked toward the elevator but I was soon stopped again.

“Please?” He begged, his arms wrapping around my waist from behind. He put his face in my neck again. I sighed, knowing I was going to regret what I was about to say.


“Thank you,” he murmured into my neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again, sorry about the error!!!