Poker Face

Either You Want Me Or You Don't

So I just got home from the Blackhawk vs San Jose game, which was amazing, and since I'm still on an energy buzz I figured I'd update this for all of you! Enjoy! =D

We went up to my room, which had one bed, by the way, and Kris collapsed on it. Within seconds I heard him snore lightly.

“Lovely,” I remarked. I put my bag out of the way and walked over to Kris. I lifted him up slightly to get the strap of his bag free and then I put it to the side as well. I walked back over to Kris and pulled off his shoes for him. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get him under the covers by myself so I grabbed one of the extra blankets from the closet and draped it over him. His head was already on the pillows so I didn’t worry as much about that. Something I was worried about however was the hangover he was bound to have. I placed a glass of water and a couple aspirin on the nightstand for whenever he woke up, and then took out my cell phone and called Jordan.

“Hello?” He answered.

“I hate you,” I said simply. I heard him chuckle.

“Aw come on, Kris isn’t a belligerent drunk or anything. The trip couldn’t have been that bad,” he tried to amend.

“No, you’re right. The trip wasn’t bad at all,” I told him.

“Oh. Um…okay,” he said, confused. I stayed silent, letting him fidget a little. “So…uh. Excited for tonight?” He tried.

“You forgot to check Kris in,” I stated.

“What? Oh…shit,” he realized.

“Yeah, oh shit,” I remarked.

“Jaime I’m sorry, I was more worried about getting Kris on the plane I didn’t even think about his hotel room,” he apologized. “Where is he?”

“In my room, sleeping on my bed,” I mentioned. I heard him laugh again. “It’s not funny, Jordan.” I only heard him laugh harder. “I will hurt you,” I threatened. Once again I was met with giggles. “Okay fine. Oh, and I’m telling Callie not to have sex with you until I say it’s okay.” She would do it if I told her.

“Wait! Jaime!” He called. I hung up. I wasn’t really going to tell Callie to deprive him, but oh was she hearing about this snafu. I started a pot of coffee before pulling my phone out again to call her. Before I could dial, I heard a loud knock on the door. I hurried to the door before Kris woke up. I cracked the door open enough where whoever was knocking would only be able to see me and not the rest of the room. I knew by now that hockey fans were fucking insane if they saw players. Fortunately, however, it was only Callie.

“Hey!” I greeted quietly.

“Why is Jordan calling and begging me not to deprive him of sex?” she asked, eyebrow raised. I snorted.

“Because I told him you would as a punishment,” I whispered.

“Punishment for what? And why are you whispering?” She asked, lowering the volume of her voice confusedly. I sighed and flung the door open the rest of the way, revealing Kris. The bedroom was separate from everything else, but since the bedroom door was still open the bed and Kris were still visible. Callie’s eyebrows shot up. “Is this what Jordan’s being punished for? Or is this why you’re whispering?” She walked in and shut the door behind her.

“Both,” I replied, pouring us some coffee.

“Thanks,” she said as I handed her a cup. We sat on the couch and she looked at me. “Okay. From the beginning,” she ordered. I smiled and sipped my coffee.

“I was woken up this morning by my cell-”

“No, no, no,” she interrupted. “After I left your and Sid’s place.”

“What?” I questioned.

“I saw how he was with you,” she said with a sly smile. “Spill.” I sighed and glanced at Kris before turning back to Callie.

“Alright,” I breathed. An hour or so later, I had finished my story and we were on our second cup of coffee. “I was just kidding with Jordan about the sex thing. It’s not really his fault,” I said. She laughed and was about to say something else when she looked behind me and snapped her mouth shut. I looked behind me and saw Kris standing there shirtless.

“Hey,” Kris greeted.

“Hey,” Callie and I replied simultaneously.

“Did you see the aspirin?” I asked.

“Yeah, I did. Thanks,” he replied. My eyes widened slightly. Kris rarely expressed any gratefulness toward me when he was in his right mind. Sure, he said thank you all the time in the heat of our lustful moments, or when he was tired or drunk. But completely sober? Never. He must still be tipsy.

“Um…no problem,” I responded.

“Is there any more coffee?” He wondered aloud, looking at the pot.

“Not much. I’ll make more,” I said, getting up and going to the pot. He just nodded. I cleaned out the pot and started another brew.

“Do you know where my bag is? I couldn’t find it and I figured you moved it. I was gonna shower and change,” he stated.

“Yeah, you fell asleep with it still slung over your shoulder,” I laughed, walking towards the bedroom and motioning for him to follow. “I’ll be right back Cal.”

“No problem,” she said, smirking. I glared at her but made sure Kris couldn’t see. Once we were in the room I walked to the corner where I put the bags. I bent down and picked his up, and when I straightened up and turned around, I saw Kris had been looking at my butt. Even when I turned around he hadn’t shifted his gaze. He looked me up and down, finally looking into my eyes.

“You done?” I remarked, handing him his bag. He took it without breaking eye contact.

“No,” he asserted, dropping his bag. It landed with a thud and before I could blink my face was cupped in his hands and his lips crashed against mine. His hands traveled down to my butt and he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pulled me closer. I gripped his shoulders for support. He pulled away from my lips and latched onto my neck. “Vous ne savez pas ce que vous faites à moi.”

“What?” I breathed out. He kissed my spot and I moaned.

“I said you don’t know what you do to me,” he murmured.

“Are you still drunk?” I asked. He laughed against my skin but I was being completely serious.

“How long does it take to find a bag?” Callie called. Kris immediately dropped me like a sack of potatoes and turned around, just in time for Callie to walk in. She looked at us questioningly. “Am I interrupting something?” She smirked.

“She’ll be out in a second. We were just…having a conversation,” Kris lied. Callie knew better.

“Riiiight...okay. I’ll just go wait on the couch,” she sang, walking out. Kris turned back towards me and reached out. I took his hands and he helped me up.

“Sorry,” he offered, pulling me to my feet. “She startled me is all. I didn’t mean to drop you. I tried catching you, honest.” Liar.

“Yeah,” I responded, rubbing my lower back. I began walking toward the door.

“Jaime,” he called. I turned around, still clutching my back. “Thank you for letting me stay here,” he said sincerely. Once again I was dumbfounded.

“N-no problem,” I was about to turn around and leave when he took a few strides toward me. I halted and looked at him. “What are you-” He silenced me with his lips and pulled away slowly. One of his hands stroked my jaw as the other rubbed circles on my lower back.

“You know,” he stated, placing a kiss on my jaw. “After the game tonight,” another kiss to my jaw, “I’ll be sore too..." A kiss just under my ear. “Maybe when we get back here,” he continued, whispering in my ear. “We can give each other massages.” He finished by nibbling on my earlobe, then he walked into the bathroom with his bag. I stood there frozen for a few seconds, before I remembered Callie in the living room area. I smoothed myself out before leaving the room. I sat down on the couch and she looked at me smugly.

“What?” I questioned.

“I know what you two were doing in there,” she ousted.

“We weren’t doing anything except talking,” I lied. She raised a brow at me.

“Really? Why were you on the ground when I walked in? And why did Kris look like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar?” She challenged.

“I tripped over his bag and while he was helping me up he accidentally grabbed my boob. He was embarrassed,” I shrugged, picking up my almost empty coffee cup.

“Oh,” she said, backing off. “Awkwarrrrd.” I laughed. “Really?”

“Really,” I assured.

“Hey Jaime?”

“Hm?” I responded, drinking the remaining caffeine.

“You have lip gloss all over your face,” she stated, smirking. She handed me a Kleenex.

“Damn,” I muttered, grabbing the Kleenex and heading toward a mirror.

“You’re a good liar though,” she amended. “You seriously had me second guessing myself for a while.”

“Thanks,” I laughed, cleaning up my face and applying new lip gloss.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to hook up with him anymore,” she said quietly, cautious that he may be able to hear us. I sighed and went back to the couch.

“I wasn’t. He just has this affect on me, I dunno,” I replied.

“Have you ever thought of like, dating him?” She asked.

“Only every time you bring it up, Cal,” I glared. “You already know why it would never work.”

“I guess,” she sighed. “Maybe he’ll come around though. He seems different.”

“Doubt it,” I noted, picking up her empty mug and going to the coffee pot. “Want another cup?”

“Yes please.” I poured the both of us another cup and poured one for Kris as well.

“Perfect timing,” Kris said, suddenly behind me. I jumped slightly and he smirked. I glared and handed him his coffee, grabbing the other two cups and going back to the couch. He followed and sat on one of the plush chairs adjacent to the couch.

“How are you doing Kris?” Callie asked after a few moments of awkward silence. His eyes clouded over for a second before he hardened them.

“Better. Thank you,” he said, drinking his coffee. It got awkward again, even more so than before.

“So, Kris, tell me,” Callie attempted again. “What’s your favorite flavor of Jaime’s lip gloss?” Kris and I both choked on our coffee. My eyes widened and I looked at her mortified, mouth open. I heard Kris clear his throat uncomfortably on the other side of me and I slowly turned toward him without altering my expression.

“Uhh…umm…” He stammered. I could tell he didn’t know how to answer. Deny it or tell her to keep her mouth shut. “They all taste good, I guess.” My eyes, if were possible, got larger. I looked at Callie, who just nodded attentively. I just sipped at my coffee.

“Excited for the game tonight?” She transitioned. I hated her at the moment.

“Er, yeah. I should probably get to the arena soon, actually,” he responded, looking at the clock.

“Okay,” Callie said brightly. “I’m supposed to drive you guys there,” she told us, getting up. We all gathered our stuff and walked out a few minutes later.

Callie drove to the arena and made small talk with Kris, who sat shotgun. I sat in the back, lost in my own world just watching the scenery. Eventually we made it to the arena and Callie parked. After we entered, we parted ways with Kris. “Good luck.” He nodded and Callie and I found our seats. They were right on the glass, which I loved.

The Red Wings were leading the series 3-1, which meant The Penguins had to win tonight in order to keep going. We scored twice in the first period, but in the second period the Red Wings got one. Then Detroit tied it up in the third. I was freaking out when they took the lead, but soon after we had tied it up again. It was 3-3, and the end of the period came. There had to be a shootout. I took a calming breath and watched the ice. First overtime: Nothing. Second overtime: Nothing. Oh god…this was taking forever. I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Finally, half way into the third overtime, Pittsburgh scored, causing Callie and I to erupt into cheers. We waited around in our seats for a while until the stadium cleared around a bit. “I’m gonna go find Jordan real quick,” she told me. I nodded, and by the time I looked over to her she was half way to the locker room. I followed slowly, waiting outside the doors. A few of the guys came out and I hugged them and gave them their congrats. Kris came out next, not noticing me.

“Hey,” I greeted softly. He looked at me and smiled. “Congratulations,” I offered, giving him a quick hug.

“Thanks,” he replied, pulling away.

“Callie and Jordan almost done?” I questioned.

“Uh, I think so,” he replied, glancing at the locker room. We sat there in silence for a little bit, waiting for our ride back to the hotel to emerge. “Are you okay?” Kris asked, studying me. I looked at him strangely. Since when did he care?

“Are you okay?” I echoed.

“Yeah, why?” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. I shrugged. “And why have you been so on edge these past few hours?”

“You guys just had the most thrilling game ever! Of course I’m edgy,” I defended.

“No, I mean around me,” he corrected.

“I dunno, it’s just…um, never mind,” I spoke.

“No, tell me,” he implored. I shook my head.

“No really. It’s nothing. Forget I said anything,” I told him.

“Jaime,” he pushed.

“It’s just, you’ve never been this nice to me. And I’m wondering how long it’s going to last,” I confessed. He narrowed his eyes at me. Aaaand here is where it ends. The niceness, I mean.

“So I try and be nice and you’re all upset about it?” He demanded.

“What? No, I’m not upset, I’m floored,” I corrected. “Like I said, you’ve never been this nice to me before. I was wondering why.”

“You were wondering why I was being nice to you? Or why it doesn’t happen often?” He questioned.

“Both,” I snorted. He shook his head and walked away. “What is your problem?” He spun around.

“My problem? My problem is you!” He yelled, getting in my face. “I don’t get you! One minute you’re arguing with me, the next you want me all over you, and then all of a sudden we’re arguing again!”

“I want you all over me? Are you kidding? You’re always the one that starts that shit, so don’t even pull that card,” I denied.

“You never complain,” he shrugged smugly.

“Listen, Kris,” I said firmly. “I am tired of being toyed with. I am tired of you seeming like you want me and then shoving me out the next day. I am tired of thinking you may care even a smidge about me and then being insulted by you. Either you want to be with me or you don’t. Which is it?”

“I don’t,” he answered without hesitation. Wow. Okay then. I didn’t respond, instead choosing to walk out of the arena before I did anything I might regret.

Like, cry in front of him.