Status: Suspended Indefinitely

Practice Makes Perfect


Taylor’s disappearance annoyed her. Anna absentmindedly passed through the hallways, her safe haven in reach. Homeroom wasn’t something most students in her school enjoyed. Luckily enough for Anna, she completed all her prerequisites. Now, for her senior year all she had to worry about was the senior show and her music. . . and now Taylor. Her schedule went as follows:
1. Homeroom-Choir
2. Music Theory
3. AP Music Composition
4. Independent Study
5. Gym
6. Lunch
7. Intermediate Dance
8. Midnight Literature

By the time Anna entered the classroom everyone was in their set positions. Today was a test day. She always dreaded these, because of the competition. To her left, a snotty Soprano 1 looked at her with distaste. Her scowl offered a thought of Don’t even try, honey. Anna quickly averted her eyes and looked to her right. Bradley Sun. The cause of all Anna’s heartbreak. The expert in deceit. She hated him with all her might. She remembered. . .

“You didn’t actually believe I was in LOVE with you, did you?” He laughed. The blonde bimbo joined in his merriment. “That’s so sweet! But sorry that’s never gunna happen. At least, not while I’m around to entertain him while you’re at work,” Bimbo stated just before they walked off together, hand-in-hand, laughing as Anna broke down and cried.

Since then, Anna has been in a deep depression, only eating when her parents were around. Now, she was anything but anorexic. And no, she wasn’t bulimic either; but after the incident Anna hadn’t had much of an appetite for food. What she did have an appetite for was love. Something that she felt in her heart would never be within her reach. “Anna.” The two people beside her were practically screwing each other with their eyes. Anna wanted to scream and get out of the classroom as fast as she possibly could.

“ANNA!” howled her choir teacher. She snapped out of her sullen thoughts and stuttered, “Oh s-s-sorry M-Mr. Burman I was just.. never mind.” The class laughed at her while the lovely Bradley whispered in her ear. “And you thought I could love a loser like you?” Anna felt him smirk as he continued, “Not in a million years.” Tears welled up in Anna’s eyes and she fled the classroom bumping into a hard, toned chest. The laughter only doubled from her clumsiness. When she looked up, she was met with deep, dark, chocolate brown eyes. Taylor looked down at her with sadness in his eyes. Anna quickly mumbled out a sorry before sprinting to the nearest girls’ bathroom. When she surveyed the room and saw that no one was in the vicinity, she let everything out. Her emotions ran freely down her cheeks and soaked her oversized sweater. The water droplets kept flowing and ignored Anna’s silent plea for them to stop. But the tears she realized, like everything else in her life, she had no control over. With that thought, she sobbed even harder. Just then she heard the bathroom door creak open. A slim girl she had never seen before prudently sauntered in. She had long curly brown hair, and wore a concerned face.

Anna laughed maniacally and said with extreme sarcasm, “Well aren’t I just having a fucking fantastic day.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is another revision. I made a completely different chapter, actually. Note that I changed Caleb's name to Taylor. It's more inspiring. :] This one's a bit short, but it's that way on purpose. Continuing it from where it ended wouldn't be fun.
Who do you think walked in? Muwahaahahaaha