Status: Suspended Indefinitely

Practice Makes Perfect

Sweaty Palms and Wet Hair

As Anna slowly brought the white wooden door towards its frame, she heard the shower head burst with water pellets. From outside, she could hear Taylor sigh breathlessly, and then heard a loud drop of fabric. She blushed at the thought of a naked Taylor and violently shook her head. She’d known him for less than a day and already her head went berserk with raging hormones.

“Get a grip, Anna,” she said to herself out loud. Ashley just so happened to walk by at that moment.

She chuckled and said while walking towards her, “Quit talking to yourself Ann.” Ashley continued on her way opposite of where Anna was headed. She had only been in the house for a few hours and already she was lost. Ashley tossed her head over her shoulder and then stopped. She turned her body around fully, until she was facing Anna. Ashley’s eyes flickered over her face, noticing the red tint to her friend’s cheeks, and the nervous fidgeting of her hands. Ashley felt a smirk tug at the edges of her mouth. She forced it back, and said to Anna, “Why don’t you explore the house. See if you find anything interesting.” She ended her sentence with a wink before walking in the direction she was headed. Anna, confused, stared at her friend’s slender back until at last it disappeared. Explore? I’d probably never find the front door at this rate. Anna thought the possibilities over. She inevitably shrugged her shoulders to no one, sighed, and walked in the opposite direction of Ashley.

When she turned the corner, she found a red carpeted hallway with maroon floral wallpaper. It had one gold stripped border dividing it from the perfectly molded cherry wood that lined the walls. The hallway’s attention to detail was incredible. As her feet walked involuntarily in front of the other, the rhythm of her pulse began to speed up. She knew in her heart and her head that this was so delicately decorated for a reason. Anna had a feeling this is was Ashley wanted her to find. At the end of the hall was one entrance. Two double doors waited for Anna’s hands to turn the handle, and reveal its secrets. As she approached the doors she ran her fingers over the grooves in the cherry wood design. The doors were so smooth and strong beneath her fingertips, she just had to marvel at its undeniable perfection. She took in one solitary breath and held it there as she turned the brass knobs and pushed through the threshold.

Anna stepped into the huge checker-floored room and made her way to its center. She saw a framed picture of Taylor in a shark costume when he was younger. She smiled and said out loud, “Cute.” Her smile disappeared rather quickly though, as soon as she read the article next to it. He was in a movie? Her thoughts jumbled together in one big tornado of a mess before glancing at the walls in front of her. There she could see awards and framed pictures of photo shoots and magazine covers with Taylor on them. She froze in place. Slowly but surely, Anna’s head turned to look over her shoulder, where the rest of the room was covered in Taylor mania; awards, movie box office records, and interviews. Anna let out a frustrated breath and ran her hands through her silky brown hair. Maybe I’ll figure out who he reminds me of now. I’ve never seen Adventure of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, so it’s not from there… Anna thought. Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of a more recent magazine. It’s headline read, Twilight Returns New Moon. Anna was so confused at that point. Sure, she had read all of the books in that series, but since WHEN did they make a movie out of it? Anna looked down in disappointment. Has my depression brought me that out of the loop? she thought. She sighed for probably the fiftieth time today as she flipped through the magazine. Out of her peripheral vision, Anna caught a page she just happened to pass. It was a centerfold picture of Jacob Black after he saved Bella from drowning in the cliff scene. Yeah I remember that from the book. So this is the dude everyone keeps talking about. She stared at the picture for a few more seconds before screaming, “Oh my God!” and dropping the magazine to the ground. Anna heard a voice speak out behind her. He let out a small nervous laugh escape his luscious lips and scratched the back of his head, which was now instead of dripping with sweat, was dripping with water. So hot. Anna refocused her thoughts and heard him say, “ I was hoping you wouldn’t find this place.” He graciously made his way toward her, eyes darting to the floor.

“My mom had this added to the house so that she could reminisce on how her ‘big boy is growing up’.” He ended his sentence with air quotes and Anna looked down at the Jacob Black picture opened conveniently where she had it, now laying on the floor. That was definitely him. There was no denying what she knew. She had met this gorgeous guy who was new in town, blew him off, insulted him, flirted with him, openly checked him out, and is now sleeping over his house! And if things couldn’t be worse, Anna had just found out that the Taylor Lautner she knew this morning, is no longer a random new face in her life, but a celebrity. A famous actor who portrayed one of her favorite characters in one of her favorite books. A seventeen year-old guy who has an insane amount of money in his bank account, and a face that his ‘fans’ fantasize over. The same face she fantasizes over. A guy who the majority of her school knows as the oh-so-hot Jacob Black.