Moving to New Jersey

Wynter Standen is being forced to move from her home in Sussex, England to New jersey, America. her parents are both in the army and are going to Afghanistan. She begs to stay with her friends Naomi and Andrew but her parents already have it arranged. so when she arrives and finds out who she is living with will she change her mind and be glad she came or will she just wish even more that she stayed home? Will she become more than friends with one of the brothers? or will she end up hating him?
  1. Moving? No! I don't want to go!
    i have now put in an actual link for her outfit yay
  2. time to say goodbye
    i also put a link in for her outfit here yay
  3. meet the boys
  4. Dinner
  5. So who's this lovely young lady?
  6. im sorry he...
  7. Chapter 8