Status: slow active.

Just off the Key of Reason

This be an FOB collabo story I'm writing with my BFF, Kenzie, AKA, Patrick Stump. Don't ask how it's comedy, angst and drama all at the same time. XD

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  1. Maya's Turn.
    WARNING: Randomness and emo-ness ensues.
  2. Kenzie's.
    Kenzie's POV.
  3. Maya says BOO.
    by Maya who loves you very much, very much indeed
  5. Mall Ahoy! MALL EXPEDITION.
    Kenzie's POV. ;DD be afraid. verrrry afraid.
  6. Maya's Random-Ass Day.
  7. I'm a terrible friend. :tehe:
    Kenzie's POV.
  8. Lights, Camera, Action!
    James Bond stunts RULE.
  9. Craziness, Hostess Cupcakes and Friends from Woodwork.