You Belong With Me

Chapter 10

Kristen's POV:

I waited for Nat to answer, but instead, she just turned around and threw up in the toilet again. I turned my face away, trying to ignore her.

"Nat," I sighed. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She breathed again, and stood up straight. "Yes," she lied. I could hear it in her voice.

"Nat..." I said. "Tell the truth."

She paused, her face puzzled. "Are you okay?"

It was then that I noticed a tear rolling down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly. "Yeah, fine."

She walked over to the sink and started washing her hands. "Nos, you tell lies," she smiled. Then she gagged. "Yuck, this is awful."

"What happened?"

"The devil poisoned my coffee."

"Hate her."

"Me too."

When she was finished washing up, she walked over to me, and we headed out of the bathroom. I held her hand to keep her steady, because I knew she was still queasy. We walked out of the bathroom, and towards the front of the auditorium.

"So what -" I started, but was cut off by the voice of an angel shouting my name from across the room. Nat and I looked up to see Nick jogging towards us, his hair flowing in the wind. A smile began to form on my face, but then I saw Lola running behind him. The smile vanished, and I started to turn away. "Bye," I said quickly, but Nat's hand gripped mine firmly.

"Oh no you don't," she said. "You're talking to him."

"No, I'm not," I said, but before I could turn away again, he was right next to me.

"Hey, Kristen," he smiled. "Hey, Hayley," he said, genturing towards Nat, but then focusing his eyes back on me. I looked at the ground. "I thought you left. Are you okay?"

I looked up into his eyes. "Yeah," I lied.

He opened his mouth to argue, obviously seeing through my 'poker face,' but Lola threw her arms around him from behind him. "Hey baby," she smiled, twisting his head around to kiss him on the cheek.


I started to turn around and walk away, until Nat's hand squeezed mine. I rolled my eyes, and looked back at Nick.

Lola glared at me. I narrowed my eyes back at her. Nick seemed oblivious to the feud.

"So, how have you been?" he asked me, still imprisoned in Lola's arms. "I haven't talked to you in a while. I miss you."

Lola growled.

"I miss you too," I said, my heart fluttering. "I've been well. You?"

"Great," he smiled. My heart sunk a little in my chest.

Suddenly, Kevin ran over and squeezed me so hard I couldn't breathe. "I'm so so so sorry!" he said.

"It's...fine..." I gasped between breaths.

Nick's face was puzzled, as Kevin pulled away. "Why are you sorry? What happened?" he asked.

Kevin's face turned red. "Ummm..." he started. I shot him a pleading look. "I hurt her feelings."

Nick cocked an eyebrow at Kevin. "You?" he asked. "Hurt Kristen's feelings? You guys are like this." He crossed his fingers and held them up for everyone to see to demonstrate how close Kev and I were.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "So? It's none of your business anyway."

Nick looked at me sympathetically. "Are you okay?"

Lola squeezed her arms tughter around his stomach. I could tell it was a sign to stop talking to me. I sighed and looked down.

Suddenly, Kevin spoke up, attempting to stick up for me. "Lola," he said. "Nick can talk to whoever he wants to. Without you around him all the time."

Taken aback, Lola unwrapped her arms from around Nick. Nick looked at her, giving her an innocent shrug. She glared at Kevin.

"In other words," Kevin continued, "go away."

Nat and I almost burst out laughing as Lola glared at us all one last time, and stormed off. Nick watched her sympathetically. That's what I loved about him. No matter how obnoxious a person was, he always seemed to care...
♠ ♠ ♠
Kristen heree!
Thanks for reading! You guys rock!
Nat's turnn! :D
~Jenahfeir Lynn (Kristen)