You Belong With Me

Chapter 2

Kristen's POV:

I stared at Joe and Lily blankly. My jaw was to the floor. I couldn't bear to look at Nat's expression. Suddenly, Nick's eyes flashed over to mine. I closed my mouth, as to not look like an idiot, and turned around quickly. I felt the color rush to my cheeks, and tried to forget about his beautiful eyes...

I glanced at Nat. She continued to stare at Lily and Joseph. She looked like she was having mixed emotions: anger, sadness, jealousy, and...hurt.

Her mouth shut tightly, her lips pursed, jaw tightened. She turned around in her seat, and stared at the table.

"Nat..." I started.

"It's fine..." she breathed. "I'll be okay..."

"Are you sure?"

She closed her eyes and nodded.

I turned back around to see Joe's arm around Lily's waist, Lily laughing her stupid fake laugh, nuzzling Joe's cheek with her abnormally large nose. I almost gagged. What did Joe see in her?

Suddenly, I saw Lola flash a smile at me - not a regular friendly smile. It was more of a malicious smile. It was then I noticed Nick's arm around Lola. Her waist. Jealousy ran through my blood like a venom. But mostly hurt. I turned around in my seat, close to tears.

It was true. He liked Lola better than he liked me.

I turned around one last time to take a look at the beautiful eyes I once thought I was in love with. Then Nat and I burst out of the cafeteria, running past Joe and Lily, never looking back.

* * *

We both ran into the girl's bathroom, not knowing where else to go. There were only fifteen minutes left of lunch, so there was nowhere else to go. I leaned against the wall, and let myself sink to the floor. My head fell on my knees, helplessly.

"I'm texting Nick and Joe," Nat said angrily. "I hope they're happy."

"They don't know," I reminded her, barely able to let the words slip out of my suffocated throat.

She paused, and sighed. "You're right."

I sighed too. "What are we going to do?" I said, looking up at Nat. "They're taken by the popular girls. I know I can't amount to that."

She sighed, moving her bangs to the side. She crossed her arms over her chest, and looked up at the ceiling. "Why do they have to be so...ugh!"

"Gahh! I don't know!" I agreed. "But I can never look at Nick the same way again."

"Or Joe," Nat agreed. "Or Lola. Or Lily."

I battled myself in my head, wondering if I should ask the question or not. Finally, I let it spill out. "Should we tell Kevin?"

"Kevin?" Nat echoed, meeting my eyes. I nodded. "Hmm..." she thought out loud. "Kevin was always considerate towards us. He always kept secrets."

"So should we tell him?"

She sighed, and nodded. "Probably. He knows his brothers best. Maybe he can help."

A chill ran down my spine, thinking of Nicholas. "Hopefully." I smiled a weak smile at her, and we exited the bathroom, awaiting our destiny at our next class.
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Kristen here!!
Nat did an awesome job on the first chapterr!! Good luck on the next one! :D
Hope you guys like the story so far!
Kristen <3 :)