You Belong With Me

Chapter 22 Part 1

Nick's POV:

I sat next to Kristen, avoiding eye contact. My face turned pink, I could feel it. I didn't know why, however. My emotions were all mixed up.

“Listen...” she started.

“Forget it,” I mumbled.

“No,” she retaliated. “I...I'm sorry for everything. I should have told you.”

“No,” I muttered. “Just stop.”

“No, you should learn the full story – ”

“I know the full story.”

Kristen paused. “Huh?”

I closed my eyes a moment, trying to think of some excuse. I spat out the first thing that came to mind. “Lola.”

And I didn't regret it. I smiled to myself. This would make her even more jealous, on top of asking Lola to the school dance tonight.

She stayed silent, and it took all the strength in my body to continue to avoid her gaze. Suddenly a “Ha!” escaped her lips. “You believe her? What did she tell you?”

I shrugged. “Enough.”

She sighed, I guessed trying to get her anger out or something. I smiled. It was working.


Kristen's POV:

“Anyway...” I said, trying to change the subject so I wouldn't go and punch Lola who happened to be sitting just a few desks away. “You going to the dance tonight?”


I pursed my lips, wishing he would be more responsive. “With anyone special?”


I groaned to myself. “Wanna tell me who the special girl is?”



I figured he would ask out a decent girl! Not freaking Lola! What was his deal?!?

“Oh,” was all that I could get out of my system.

“You going with anyone?”

“Uh..” I started, “no.”

He paused, looking kind of shocked. “Oh,” he said, curiosity hidden in his voice.

I bit my lower lip. My heart broke in two. This wasn't going as planned. I thought maybe Nick and I could reconnect but...apparently not.

“Well,” I said, trying to move onto a lighter note, “I might go with Nat if Jo – ”

I stopped mid-sentence. I didn't want to say something that might not happen. My lips pursed shut tightly.

“What?” he asked, looking into my eyes for the first time that day.

Boy, you just take my breath away.

“Nothing,” I mumbled.

“Tell me.”

“I was....just gonna say if she ends up going with Joseph, but...”

“Oh...” he sighed. “He's going” He said the last part so softly I could barely hear.

And then my heart tore straight down the middle.

I pursed my lips tighter. This wasn't going to be a good day.

“Oh,” I whispered. “So I guess that leaves us back to where we started.”


“You with Lola and Joe with Lily...and me and Nat just your little 'acquaintances.'”


“You know what I mean. We're just kind of there. Nothing more.”

“Well maybe my life wouldn't have been at risk if it were any different!”

Taken aback by his bitter tone, my jaw dropped. “You...I....that is so different.”

Suddenly, the bell rang.

Nicholas quickly stood up, grabbing his book and meeting my eyes one last time, his filled with fury. “Bye, Kristen. I'll tell Lola you said hello.”

That hit me like a knife in the gut.

He quickly walked out the door of the classroom.

When I finally had the strength to close my mouth again, I walked out of the classroom, surprised to see that Nick wasn't too far ahead. I watched him walk a little ways further when suddenly my vision was blocked by a huge object.

More like a huge person.

“Hey, beautiful.”

Ugh. Dennis from the football team. He always tried to flirt with random girls, just to look cool. I rolled my eyes. “Hi.”

“So, you got a date for the dance?”

“No,” I answered quickly, trying to see around him towards Nicholas.

“So I would ask you to be my date, but then again, who could resist? So I'll just skip the stupid stuff, and get to the chase. Come to the dance with me, babe.”

I stopped searching for Nicholas, and thought to myself. This would be my chance to make Nick jealous; he would see me dancing with the quarterback of the football team – the most popular guy in school – and his eyes would burn a hole through him with envy...I hoped.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, looking back towards Nicholas, watching him turn into a classroom. I smiled to myself, praying this would work.

“Sweet. I'll come by at seven.”

“Sure,” I smiled, not making eye contact. My mind was still focused on Nicholas, and how he would react. My grin spread wider across my face.
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:) Part 1! :)