You Belong With Me

Chapter 22 Part 2

Nick's POV:

I grabbed Lola's hand as we made our way to the dance floor. I hoped wherever Kristen was that she would see us together. I hoped she would get jealous. And I almost knew she would.

I searched all around for her, but couldn't find her. Lola kept pulling me towards her, breaking my attention, but never managed to keep me too interested. I kept trying to look for Kristen.

I looked around and saw Joe with Lily, kind of looking around too. I'll bet he was searching for Nat like I was with Kristen. I laughed to myself. Brothers will be brothers.

A few feet away I spotted Nat, and excitement burst through me, hoping Kristen would be with her. I smiled as I saw Kristen appear behind her, but frowned when I saw whose hands were glued to her waist.

Dennis. Quarterback of the football team.

Envy swelled up in my stomach.

They made their way to the floor, quite far away from me and Lola. Dennis' hands were still glued to her waist, and he swayed his hips back and forth, pulling her along to the beat. I looked away, disgusted. But then I realized I couldn't stop staring at Kristen. Her blue, long, elegant, lacy and sequined dress swaying to the beat, her hips swinging back and forth. It was magical. I envied Dennis, wishing I was in his place, but I probably wouldn't be dancing so awkwardly. Her eyes looked strange as he moved his hands to hers, pulling her arms up around his neck, and brought his hands back down to her hips.

Nat stared at her in disbelief. Then she glanced at Joe who happened to be looking straight at her at the same moment.

Something sparked, and suddenly, Joe stopped dancing with Lily and headed towards Nat. She smiled, and Lily stood there, absolutely appalled. I laughed.

“Nicky,” Lola said in her whimpering voice, pulling my chin to look at her. She pulled me as she walked backwards into a wall, and spun me around so she was crushing me against the wall. “Please pay attention to me. I don't like it when you ignore me.” Her words got fumbled as she placed her lips on mine.

I didn't kiss back, but I didn't move away. I hoped Kristen was watching this.

Lola's hands touched mine, placing them on her hips. Her one hand let go, gripping my neck, but the other lingered. She led my right hand down her spine, down a curve and eventually to her leg which I then realized was propped kneeling on the wall. Her hand continued to lead mine down her thigh, which was barely covered by her orange, fluffy, short dress. Then suddenly I realized something. This isn't right.

I pulled away from her lips. “Lola, stop.”

“You know you love it, Nicky,” she breathed into my mouth, kissing me again and shoving her body into me. My back was scraping uncomfortably into the wall.

“Lola,” I mumbled through her teeth, but she didn't seem to hear me.

She gripped the collar of my jacket and kissed harder; more aggressively. I tried to push her away, but she was stronger than your average pink, frilly, skinny teenager.

Finally, she moved off of me, but we both suddenly heard a loud SMACK!


Kristen's POV:

A slow song came on, and I was relieved that Dennis had finally stopped 'dancing.' It wasn't really dancing, he was just moving his hips back and forth, pulling me with him. Ugh. Dreadful.

“Dance with me, babe,” he commanded, putting my hands on his shoulder after turning me around. He placed his hands on my hips, and I began to search for Nicholas.

Along the search, I spotted Nat dancing with Joseph, his hands perfectly poised on her waist, right above where the frills of her purple dress began. His smile was as bright as the sun. I smiled too.

I continued to search for Nick, hoping I might be as fortunate.

Then I saw him.

He was pinned again the wall by Lola. And he was touching her.

I watched in shock, my jaw to the floor, as his hand traced down her back, around her butt, and down her thigh.

Suddenly, Dennis shouted at me. “Cut it out!”


“You have to look at me when I'm talking!”

“You were talking?”

He paused, pursing his lips in anger. “Yes. I was.”

I ignored him, and looked back towards Nick, who was continuously kissing Lola. Anger burst through me.

“Kristen!” Dennis called. And right as I turned my head, I felt a stinging on my cheek, and my head threw back by the force of a hand slapping me.

I staggered backwards, my knees collapsing from under me. I felt a liquid trickle down my chin and my tongue touched the corner of my mouth. Blood.

Tears formed in my eyes as I looked back up at the menace who had caused me this pain. His eyes were raging in fury.

Nat rushed to my side as Joe followed. He started to walk up to Dennis to tell him off, when suddenly someone pushed Joe out of his way and shouted “Get your filthy hands off my girl!”

“Your girl?” Nat repeated in awe.

“Your girl?” Joe said, shocked.

“Your girl?!” Dennis roared.

”Your girl?!” Lola sneered from behind us all.

The corners of my mouth lifted slightly.

Nicholas grabbed the collar of Dennis' shirt and threw him against the wall. He shoved him harder, Dennis' head slamming hard into the wall.

“Hey, get the hell off of me!” Dennis shouted, his fist punching Nick in the chest, throwing him back.

“No!” I heard myself scream as I quickly staggered to my feet. I started to run towards Nick, but someone was holding my arms. I didn't feel like looking back to see who it was.

“Don't ever touch her!” Nick retaliated, slamming his shoulder into Dennis' gut.

I bit my lip, tears slipping down my cheeks as Dennis punched Nick square in the nose. “No,” I tried to scream, but my voice wouldn't let me. It came out as a mere whimper.

Suddenly the hands let go of my arms, and I saw Joe run out from behind me, catching the collapsing, but not unconscious, Nicholas. His nose was bleeding, but he quickly regained balance, and shoved Joe off.

Joe grabbed the back of Nick's jacket, and stepped in front of him, glaring at Dennis. “Don't touch my brother.”

Dennis laughed, turning to his friends. “Big bro to the rescue, huh?” he mocked. Then suddenly, his fist shot straight at Joe's head. Luckily, he dodged quickly.

Nat ran up to Joe, pulling on his arm, screaming at him to stop. He just shoved her off and kept repeating, “Stay out of this, beautiful.”

A tear slipped down her cheek.

The music stopped, and everyone was crowded around us chanting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Suddenly, the crowd grew silent, and just as Joe swung his arm at Dennis, the principal's voice boomed through the gymnasium. “WHAT'S GOING ON?!”

Joe stopped immediately in fear, and backed off, putting both his hands up.

I rushed over to Nick, draping his arm over my shoulder as he appeared quite dizzy. Nat ran up to Joe and supported his weight as he panted for air.

“Natalie. Joseph. Nicholas. Kristen. Dennis. My office.” He pointed to the door. ”Now.”

One by one, we obeyed.

Joe went first, followed by Nat. Then Dennis followed angrily. Nick removed his arm from around my shoulder and followed. I did my best to keep up as we made our way down the hall to our dooms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohooo! Finally homeee!! Now I can update moree!!
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Nat! Go! Update soon! For the subscribers! ^_^