You Belong With Me

Chapter 3

Nani's P.O.V~~

Kristen and I looked for Kevin, angry. Mad. Horrible. Jealous. And all the horrible emotions. When I finally found him I sighed of relief. He was in the lunchroom talking to some of his friends. We ran up to him not knowing what he'll say.

“Kevin,” I said. “we have to talk.” he sat down on a table and we sat down too. “Hmm let's say a girl likes a boy, and then a popular girl steals them from her just to get the girl mad?”

“Hmm..” Kevin mumbled lost in thought. “I would try to beat her at what she's good at.”

“You mean,” Kristen thought. “like if she's good at singing, you have to beat her at it?”


“Hmm,” she said thinking. “Nat you're a good singer right.”

“Whoa you are not going to make me sing, she sings good, I sing country, not really good.”

“I heard you sing, you're really good, but I think we're going to have to hide your identity.”

“Why?” Kevin asked trying to understand what we're talking about.

“Kevin,” I said. “You need to know the whole story, it starts like this..”


“She did what?!” Kevin asked after we told him the whole story. The bell rang and I got up. “There's karaoke tonight, she's going to sing, I'll give you a blond wig before the show starts and you'll sing your songs got it?” he threw away his garbage and I nodded.

Lola and that Lily are now going to pay. Pay for liking Joe and Nick because we like them.

The whole day was mostly learning and stuff. Nothing really interesting, Joe laughing with Lily, Lily passing notes. Lame old girl stuff.

Today at five Kristen, Kevin, and I are going to show everyone what we're made of. Lily and Lola are going to wish that they haven't took away Joe and Nick from us.

“So can't wait 'til today can't cha?” Kevin asked grinning.

I rolled my eyes. “I'm going to sing my heart out.”

“Gah you should,” Kristen said and I smiled at her. She was my only real best friend, ever since Lola, I don't think I could ever trust anyone ever again, except for Kevin, well sometimes. My phone rang and I took it out.

“Gah Joe's calling, I better pick it up.” they all nodded and I answered it. “Hey Joe.”

“This isn't Joe you hideous haired freak,” Lily's familiar voice said.

“What are you doing with Joe's phone?” I asked and Kristen and Kevin looked at me with concerned eyes.

“He doesn't like you, he never did. I'm just here to tell you that.”

“You little-”

“Ah ah ah, you wouldn't want to say anything you'll regret, remember, everyone listens to me.”

“Is that supposed to be a threat?”

“Oh now look who's catching on!”

“You ugly little.”

“Ah remember.” I hung up the phone and I felt the tears come down, I tried so hard to hold them in, but no use, they came down.

“What happened?” they both asked.

“We-are-definitely-going-to-beat-that-girl-at-karaoke-night,” I stated sobbing. They are now dead to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Go Nat :]
Heyy it's Nat muahahaha!
Hope you guys liked this!!
I really want to say thanks for our first commenter!!
We really appreciate itt!
Nat! :]