You Belong With Me

Chapter 5

Nat's P.O.V~~

I looked at Kristen, she looked soo sad. She looked at me and I sighed.

“What happened?” I asked and she sighed.

“I'm going to crush Lola. Until she burns.”

“Whoa easy girl.” I laughed and she laughed too.

“Do you think we can do this? I mean you are going to have to wear a wig?” she asked whispering.

“We can do this. I hope.”

“No, no hoping, we will do this.”

“I don't want to end up like Hannah Montana, you know?” I laughed and she laughed too.

“Umm, want to share something with the class?” Our teacher, Mr. P., said.

“Nos, just learning.”

“Good. Now pay attention.”

“Okay,” we both said and we now started to whisper.

“You really want to do this?” she asked me and I looked at Joe and Lily. I sighed and looked at her.

“I really want to do this.”

“It's in tonight, you should try to practice.”

“I always do, I know what song I'm going to sing.”

“Which one?”

The Best Day.”

“Aww, that's song is my favorite! It always makes me cry.”

“Well I did make it for my dad. I miss him.” I almost started to cry myself.

“I miss him too, can't believe he passed away.” she sighed and I sighed too.

“I really want to sing that song,” I whispered.

“So we need a name for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“We can't just use your name, Natalie Hope Colon, everyone will know it's you.”

“Oh right,” I mumbled and I started to think. What is my favorite name?

“How about Crystal?”

“No, I like Hayley.”

“Nice!” Kristen yelled and everyone looked at us.

“Ah hem,” Mr. P. said and I smiled.

“We really like your teaching skills? We think they're nice?” Kristen said and I mouthed the word “smooth”.

“I know right?” she mumbled and I giggled. I nodded and we actually paid attention. First time ever. He was saying something about guitars and how to use them. I already know how to play the acoustic guitar, remember I am from Tennessee. “Already know this.”

“Me too,” I whispered and I looked at Joe again. He was looking at Lily with his cute hazel eyes. Man I could write a whole book about his eyes. Might be the biggest book I have ever written. 2,000 pages will be full of adjectives about his eyes.

“You're looking at Joe.”

“Yeah, I love his eyes.”

“I like Nick's eyes.” I looked at her and she shrugged.

“I like Joe's better.” I laughed and she rolled her eyes.

“You're just jealous.”

“Are we really fighting over them?”



School was such a drag! We got out of school and we were all walking to my house. Kevin, Kristen, and me.

“So what do you think your name was going to be?” Kevin asked me and I smiled.

“Hayley Hope Monroe.”

“Whoa really? I couldn't have made that up.”

“I know cause we're awesome!” Kristen yelled and we hooked are arms and started skipping.

“I can't wait till tonight!” I yelled and everyone walking stared at me. “Oh y'all just jealous!” I smiled and skipped with Kevin too. “Wow finally usin' my country accent! I really miss it.”

“Me too, ever since Lola and Lily made fun of it you stopped talking like it.”

“I miss Tennessee though. I am not scared to use my accent!” I yelled.

“Gah! People are looking at us,” Kevin mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

“Ya have to know how to yell without bein' scared.” I sighed then thought for a moment. “Why can't I use my accent when I have my wig on?”

“Good idea,” they both said and we stopped at my house.

“Let's go!” I yelled not using my accent that time. “We have to practice!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Can't wait till karaoke night!
hehe anyways,
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