You Belong With Me

Chapter 9

Nat's P.O.V~~

“So, I haven't seen you around here,” Joe said smiling at me. Gah! I can't lie to him, I thought and then a thought went into my cookie mind!

“I'm new here, I just moved from..Louisiana,” I lied and he smiled.

“You seem familiar..Do I know you?” I bit my lip and nodded no.

“No, but I've seen you. Joe Jonas.” I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

“There's only one girl that likes me for who I am.”

“And who's that?”

“My friend Nat, but I don't think you know her.”

“Who's this Nat you speak of? That's a weird name for a girl.” Joe sighed.

“I don't know, Lily told me some things about her that I didn't like..”

“Like what?” I was so nervous about what he was going to say.

“She's dating this “Conner” guy.” he sighed. “I thought she liked me.”

“Do you actually believe what she's told ya? She could be the one tryin' to push her away from ya.”

“How would you know that?”

“I have a..girl sense?”

“That's cute.” Did he just say..I was cute?!


“Well, I'm going to talk to Nat to-”

“No! I mean she..she might not be here now, she must've been sad and went away.”


“Well I heard she was gonna sing? Did she?”


“My point.”

“You seem so familiar, really..Do I know you?


“Well, you keep talking country then like regular.”

“Well, I'm used of talkin' like ya guys sometimes.”

“Right..” I punched him in the arm and he smiled.







“God Joe!”

“Ugh, gotta go, I can tell, Lily's giving me the “evil eyes”.”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Byee.” I sighed and went to a table. There was some coffee, Starbucks coffee. I drank some and I sighed.

“Ugh,” I heard Kevin say. I turned around and he was all sweaty.

“What's up?”


“Oh.” I sighed and my stomach started to hurt. I looked around for the bathroom. I saw the sign and ran to it. I opened a door and started throwing up.

“Oh look who's sick..” Lily said at the bathroom door.


“Sorry Hayley, must have switched your coffee.”


“Oh, got to go, toddles.” I continued to throw up. I felt soo bad. I saw Kristen at the door crying.

“What's wrong?” I asked when I recovered.

“Don't worry about me, what about you?” That's what got stuck into my head. What about me? Was I really going to put up with this?
♠ ♠ ♠
La la la
I finished itttt! :D
Hope you guyes liked itttt!