Sequel: Black Rose

Statues Without Eyes

Didn't See That Coming

"So I see you and Ryan are ok?"Jake asked while we were eating lunch after talking to some people.
"I guess so,"I shrugged,"I'm his girlfriend now."
"As opposed to what?"
"Dating, he's jealous of you, you know that right?"I asked taking a bite of salad.
"Me? Why?"Jake smirked.
"Well you are attractive, fun to be around, and how long have I known you?"
"That's true,"He smiled,"But he does know I'm with Calleigh right?"
"Of course,"I smiled,"Still he's jealous."
"I guess that can kinda work."
"Yeah,"I thought at I looked,"Hey, was there any news on my bike. I mean Drake checked it out before hand and said it was fine."
"Yeah, actually,"Jake leant a bit farther over,"Drake left your bike for like 3 minutes before you got there to help a kid with his bike. He had no clue what happened to it."
"Do you?"I raised an eyebrow with it.
"We're still going over it but someone tampered with it."
"I think I know who,"I bit my lip nervously.
"Russian mob,"I looked at him,"H's isn't telling me something and well my mom, I think it has to do with her."
"Well whatever it is, we'll stop them."
"I sure hope so,"I smiled lightly when I heard my phone ring,"Hello?"

"Sylar,"Kyle caught his breath in a panic state.
"Kyle?"I was shocked,"What's wrong?"
"Someone was at the track looking for you, he said it was urgent. He even threatened a few other kids I'm with."
"Wait, what?"
"I can't explain now, I think I'm being watched."
"Alright don't move, I'm with Jake we'll be there in a few minutes."
"What is it?"Jake nodded to me as I hung up the phone.
"We need to get to the track quickly."

Getting up from the table, Jake flew to the track where Kyle and a few other kids I had been teaching were standing around. Granted I was pissed they were out here alone and out of school but I was more worried about who they met and if they were all ok. Getting out of the car, Kyle seen me to run up to me.
"Kyle, what happened?"
"This guy, he just came here, demanding to see you, got pissed you weren't here then told us to tell you that you were going to lose someone close to you to pay for what your mom did."
"What?"I went wide eyed at him.
"That's all he said."
"Did he give a name?"asked Jake.
"No,"He looked at me,"Sylar, I'm scared."
"Come on, let's get you back to the lab."

As we got back in Jake's car, we headed back to the crime lab but on our way there, we ran into a car accident. It wasn't just any car accident either, it was a motocycle accident in which Jake stopped to see if we could help or anything. Slowly getting out of the car with Kyle, that's when I realized who's bike that was, and who was now lying on the ground.
"No,"I caught my breath and moved closer to the scene.
"Sylar, what?"Kyle asked.
Moving my best to get closer to the scene, Jake caught me as I seen Drake laying there,"No!"
Jake pushed me back as he knew I would start to cry and get to him but he kept me at the same distance.
"It's ok,"Jake tried to calm down my tears as I heard him,"This is Detective Berekley, I need back up at..."
That was all I heard since I wasn't paying much more attention to what was going on. My mind was blank. The next thing I knew was I was sitting on the edge of Jake's car as Ryan walked up to me.
"Is he ok?"I asked looking up at Ryan with tears in my eyes.