Sequel: Black Rose

Statues Without Eyes


"Ok why are we at the beach?"Ryan asked as he looked at me.
"Because,"I smiled at him as I moved towards the two surf boards,"The tide's great."
"Surfing?"He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Um yeah,"I looked at him with a duh expression,"Come on and keep up cop."
"You're just asking for it, aren't you,"He laughed.
"What? Afraid, I'll kick your ass at this too?"
"You're on,"He smiled as we both ran out to the ocean.
I loved surfing with him since we weren't pros or anything but it was just anything to put up a chase and a challenge. After surfing for good two hours, we walked back to the beach where I sat down on the sand followed by Ryan.

"See, it so gets rid of any stress you might've had,"I pulled my knees up to my chest as I looked at Ryan.
"It does,"He watched me for a second.
"Too bad, I beat you."
"What? When'd this become a competition?"
"Since I say so,"I smirked at him as I kicked some sand at him.
"Are you sure you're not five?"
"I told you I am,"I smirked,"Which would so make you a pedophile."
"Sylar,"Ryan looked at me as I got up from my spot.
"Run,"Ryan got up to chase me as he chased me in the water.

Laughing the whole time, I wrapped my arms around Ryan's neck which settled my laughter as I leant in to kiss him. Soon after, we left the beach the headed back to his house where we changed clothes then dried off while cooking outside.
"See, getting suspended from a case does have it's advantages."
"It does,"He smiled pulling me into his lap as the sun started to set.
I smiled lightly as I watched the clouds change colors,"I'm scared."
"You heard me."
"Why are you scared?"
"I don't know the first thing about being a mom,"I turned to look at him,"I mean my life isn't one I can draw from experience on."
"But you turned out great."
"Yeah after my mom left."
"She did when you were 16 right?"
"So what about before then?"
"It was good, I guess,"I shrugged,"But still I'm so scared.
"Hey I am too,"He ran a hand down his cheek,"But we've still got like 9 months to worry about it. And if we make mistakes, we do. It won't be the end of the world."
"Thanks,"I smiled at him lightly.

The next morning, I woke to Ryan getting dressed as the sun shone through the curtains.
"Hey,"I smiled lightly at him,"You heading in?"
"Yeah,"He leant over to kiss my cheek,"Horatio said to tell you to come in at noon."
"Ok,"I stretched,"Have fun."
"I will,"He smiled.
Watching him leave again, I slowly got out of bed to get dressed in some jeans and a tank top followed by some boots. I was just drinking some hot tea and reading a magazine when I heard the doorbell. Getting up, I opened it to see Kyle standing there.

"Hey Kyle, what's up?"
"Not much, are you doing anything?"
"Not really why?"
"No reason,"He shrugged as he looked around,"I was just thinking we could hang out and do something today."
"Just the two of us?"
"Yeah, I mean we haven't had time to hang out with each other really."
I looked at him for a second while thinking,"Ok, just let me get my keys. You have a liscense right?"
"Yeah,"He nodded.
"Then you can drive,"I smirked tossing him my keys,"Just no wrecks."
"Promise,"Kyle smiled as we headed out the door, me taking my phone with me just in case.

As I got in the passenger side of the car, Kyle started the car then headed out onto the road.
"So what did you have in mind?"
"Mini-road trip,"He shrugged.
"Kyle, are you running from something?"I questioned him as he smiled.
"No, Miami's just been boring lately."
"You've got that right,"I smirked,"But dad told me to come into work at noon."
"So?"Kyle shrugged,"Say you lost track of time."
"Kid you're going to cost me my job,"I shook my head with a laugh.
"Yeah but when have we just spent time together since I found out you're my sister?"
"Point made,"I shrugged,"Ok take the tollway to Orlando."
"You said you wanted to get out of Miami,"I smirked at him as he smiled and I turned on the radio,"Just one rule."
"No phone calls, only if it's an emergancy."

We kept to that word as we drove down the road, watching other cars pass by while traveling. Even by noon, we stopped for lunch in a small town in which Kyle handed me my keys back so I could drive again. Meanwhile back at the lab, it was 12:25 when Ryan decided to call to see where I was except it went straight to voicemail.
"H,"Ryan walked to up to him.
"Yes Mr. Wolfe."
"It's Sylar, I can't get ahold of her."
"Is her phone off?"
"No, it rings, but just goes to voicemail."
"She's late too."
"That's what I'm worried about,"Ryan looked at him,"She's never late and she usually answers her phone."
"Keep trying,"Horatio looked at him,"We'll find her."

Kyle was pumping gas in my car as I came back from the gas station with drinks and food as I ruffled his hair from the back and went to sit on the back of the car.
"You know you came up with a brillant idea."
"Yeah but Ryan's been calling you,"He pointed out,"He's going to be pissed you're not answering."
"Eh,"I shrugged,"Sometimes I need space to breath."
"So are we going to Chicago for the competition?"
"Do you want to go?"I asked looking at him.
"Yes,"Kyle smiled,"It was so much fun in Atlanta."
"Ok, then,"I nodded.
"Are you going to race?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged getting of the car as Kyle put the pump back.
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"It's complicated,"I smiled lightly at him as I got in the car,"Don't worry about it ok?"
"Whatever,"He smiled as he got into the car with me.
"You just better hope dad's not hearing about trip,"I looked at him,"We're so going to be in huge trouble. Mainly we for taking you and agreeing to this."