Sequel: Black Rose

Statues Without Eyes

Coming Home Again

The sun set as I pulled up into Kyle's driveway now. I was half afraid to go home since I didn't call Ryan and I knew he was upset about everything, even though I didn't talk to him.
"You know if you don't want to go home you can stay here,"Kyle looked at me as he got out of my car."
"I just don't want to fight with Ryan."
He shrugged at me,"Crash on my floor."
"Thanks,"I smiled lightly at him as I got out of the car with him.

"I'll get you some clothes to change into or something,"Kyle shrugged,"Or blankets."
"Blankets are fine,"I smiled as I sat down on the couch as Kyle walked off. I played with my phone as I Kyle finally came back and handed me a blanket and pillow.
"I'm taking a shower,"He smiled lightly,"Thinking about calling them?"
"I don't know,"I shrugged looking at the phone screen.
"I'll take full responsibilty for it if it makes you feel better."
"Thanks,"I smirked at him,"Don't worry about it though ok?"

Kyle walked off as I looked at my phone. Finally deciding on calling Horatio first, I listened to it ring but it went to his answering machine.
"Hey dad, it's Sylar. Um, sorry about today, I was just calling to say me and Kyle are back, we're fine, um I'll talk to you later."

After hanging up, I debated on calling Ryan but my stomach was in knots about what to say to him. Laying back on the couch, I slowly drifted to sleep before I called him. In the morning, I woke up to have my stomach do flip flops which wasn't something I wanted to happen right now, not here at least. Getting up from the couch, I ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach. Hearing a knock at the bathroom door, Kyle slowly opened it to look at me.
"You ok?"Kyle asked from the door.
"Yeah,"I smiled lightly at him,"Don't worry ok?"
"I'm heading you, you need anything?"
"Nah,"I shook my head,"I probably won't be able to eat til later today."
"Alright,"He smiled.

Kyle left the house to put his plan into motion. He decided to go over to Ryan's house and make things better then what they were. Kyle slowly knocked on the door, waiting for Ryan to answer. When Ryan finally answered, his eyes were bloodshot and he didn't look like he got much sleep.
"Well look who finally comes back from Orlando."
"Ryan, can I talk to you?"
"Where's Sylar?"
"It's what I want to talk to you about."
"Is she ok?"Ryan looked at him paniced.
"Um, she's sick,"Kyle looked down a bit,"She really misses you but she's scared to come home since she doesn't want you to be mad at her."
"You could've called."
"I know,"Kyle sighed,"But I haven't had time to spend with my sister and I wanted to get to know her."
"What do you mean she's sick?"
"She seemed fine last night but she woke up this morning from my couch to run to the bathroom."
"Is she still there?"
"Yeah,"Kyle nodded,"Please don't hate her."
"I don't hate her,"He rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms,"I was worried."
"She was going to call you last night but she fell asleep."
"I'll follow you back."

Ryan finally got to Kyle's house when I was sitting on the couch trying to keep the whole feeling dizzy thing down as I seen Kyle open the door then Ryan walk through.
"Great,"I mumbled as I looked at him.
"He's not here to yell,"Kyle walked past me,"I told him about everything. Besides I figured dad will be enough lecture."
"You didn't have to."
"It's half my fault,"Kyle smiled,"I'll leave you two alone."
I smiled as Kyle walked out the door as Ryan just looked at me.

"Go on, lecture, yell, anything. I don't care, I can take it."
"It was the stupidest thing to do."
"I know."
"I mean what if something happened to you?"
"Nothing happened, we were safe, careful."
"The mob is out to get you, what if-"
"Ryan, I'm fine,"I looked up at him,"Half pissed at you right now because of this morning sickness thing."
"You could've called, just so I knew. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?"
"I do but I'm guessing you tracked my phone?"I smirked which he didn't find amusing,"Sorry."
"What were you thinking?"
"I was scared ok?"I looked at him,"Scared of what's happening to me right now. I'm terrified of having his baby, I don't know what to do."
"I told you I'd be there."
"That's the thing Ryan,"I sighed,"It's not you. It's me not wanting to let my dream go, I don't want to lose my freedom of traveling, being spontaneous-"
"Sylar, you won't,"Ryan sat next to me,"I promise you, nothing bad will happen."
"Don't be,"He kissed my forehead as I played with my fingers.
"I'm scared to tell Horatio."
"Yeah abou that-"
"Ryan, what'd you do?"
"I almost told him yesterday,"He flinched a bit,"I couldn't help but it I was worried and it almost slipped out."
"So chances are, he knows?"
"Maybe not,"He shrugged.
"Big mouth,"I rolled my eyes with a smirk.
"We ok?"
"I should be asking you that,"I laughed at him when he pressed his lips to mine.
"I'll see you at work."
"Bye,"I smiled as I watched him walk off when I gathered my things to hear my phone ring again.

"Hey, I heard you came back,"Jake smiled into the phone.
"Yeah, sorry about scaring everyone."
"It's cool. Are you doing anything?"
"Um, heading home to change clothes why?"
"I need to talk to you."
"It's important,"Jake mentioned as I heard wind blow in the background.
"Alright, give me 20 minutes and I'll meet you ok?"