Sequel: Black Rose

Statues Without Eyes

Joining the Team

Hearing Ryan's phone ring in his jeans on the floor, he slowly stretched over me to answer it.
"Hello?"He rubbed his face and kept it quiet,"Yeah, I'll be there soon."
He hung up his phone and I looked at him,"Who was that?"
"Horatio, murder never sleeps."
"I'm sorry,"I smirked.
"They'll probably be calling you in,"As if on cue my phone rang and Ryan smirked.
"Yeah H,"I nodded,"Ryan will pick me up? Ok."
"Told you,"He smirked.
"Hey you're picking me up,"I smirked back.

Getting dressed in some clothes, Ryan put his back on that he wore last night. Yeah not that that's going to look weird. Then again, I could be thinking too hard about these things. Walking back out to my kitchen to get a Diet Coke, I seen him putting his shoes on.
"Hey, about last night,"I moved a piece of hair,"I normally don't do things like that, so don't think I'm easy."
"Me neither,"He smirked,"I couldn't help myself though."
"We're still cool?"
"Yeah,"He stood up,"I still feel the same way about you as I did a while ago."

Getting to the crime scene a while later, I was about to go help Eric, Ryan, and Calliegh when Horatio stopped me.

"Sylar, what do you know about your mom?"
"Um, she's crazy lately,"I thought,"Seriously H, she's not the most stable person in the world. Other than that, things were great when I was younger. She spoke Russian when she was pissed but I couldn't understand her. Why what's up?"
"Eric shown me the texts you've been getting, how long has this been going on?"
"5 months,"I looked at him,"H, what's going on?"
"Svetlana is a Russian mob princess,"He looked at me.
"It means she's held very highly in the Russian mob's eyes."
"And why would I have anything to do with this? I didn't do anything to them."
"That's they're point,"He looked at me,"They'll stop at nothing to get to you."
"But they won't right?"
"Not on my watch,"Horatio put on his sunglasses.
"But I don't want to go into hiding."
"You won't have to,"He looked at me,"You're part of our team which is family now."
"Seriously?"I looked at him.
"Yes,"He nodded.
"Thank you,"I hugged him quickly then broke away,"Sorry."
"You're welcome ma'am."
"So what do we do about the Russian mob."
"We,"He directed to me,"Don't give them the attention they want and focus on what's important. You let me handle anything else, ok?"
"Ok,"I nodded then walked towards the crime scene.

"Hey there's our new team member,"Eric smiled at me.
"I know huh?"I slid some gloves on,"You guys get to work with me now."
"Shouldn't that be the other way?"asked Ryan.
"Nah,"I smirked as Calliegh smiled.
"Hey, it's good to have another girl out here, especially one with a long list of language knowledge."