Status: Ok, Im going to delete this if no one likes it!

Heart of Glass


Ally had been sitting on the couch thinking when suddenly Jason burst into the room. He plopped down next to Ally and turned towards her. Jason had been a vampire for a while, because Ally had bitten him when they were first dating, two years ago. They had been madly in love, and inseparable. When the night came that Ally had bitten him, he had allowed her to bite him, he hadn't even flinched when she had launched herself at him, then bitten him on the neck. She had also then crushed her lips against his and bit his soft bottom lip. Vampires could actually feed on each other because the vampires all still have blood in them from the blood they drink, even though their hearts have stopped beating. Vampire blood tasted so much better than regular blood from humans, but Annly's family didn't drink from humans, and rather drank from animals.

Ally’s family was an old one, and had been a line of vampires for as long as they could remember. All the people of Seattle only knew that they were one of the oldest families there. They could disguise themselves well, except for the fact that they were extremely beautiful.
The night Jason was bitten; he had only felt a liquid lightning-like sensation travel from his heart through his veins that had finally faded to a sharp needle-like sensation spreading throughout his body from his feet to his head when the Turning had almomst been done. This only lasted an hour. As the hour passed minute by minute, he turned more gorgeous. By the time the change had taken place, Jason was beautiful…and thirsty. Ally cut her arm, and squeezed it to draw more blood. She allowed Jason to drink, become stronger. When he was done, she taught him about this change, and the do’s and don’ts. He went home much changed, and slept.

Meanwhile, Annika was in her room with Kyle. She, on the other hand, hadn't Turned a boy yet, and planned to soon, because she had just found Kyle, the only guy who had made her heart ache and had made love course through her veins. Kyle had everything she had wanted in a mate. She planned on biting him two nights from the time that she was with him now. He had no idea whatsoever, unlike Jason who had had suspicions up to the time Ally had bitten him. She planned on taking him into her room, then doing it. Turning him. Then they would do a kind of ceremony, one Ally had done with Jason, and be mates forever. “Once this happens I will finally understand how much love Ally and Jason feel for each other. God, it must be one of the best feelings in the world! But i also have to think about the depressed stuff I could feel if some idiot kills him. Damn, I wouldn’t ever be able to stand that!" Annika’s train of thought was disrupted when the doorbell rang. She leapt to her feet and sashayed gracefully to the door-just fast enough for the mysterious person on the other side to use up the rest of their patience before ringing it a second time. The lock clicked as she unlocked it and swept the large mahogany door aside to see who it was…Kyle, of course. He had come to her house almost every night that month…which was part of the decision why she was going to bite him. She smiled, and led him into the living room.

* * *

Ally and Jason were on the couch, when there was a knock on the thick wooden front door. Then the person realized that the people inside couldn't hear him, and rung the doorbell. It chimed loudly through the huge house. Ally rolled her eyes, and Jason got up from the loveseat. He walked to the door, walking at a human speed. He opened the door and the ugly face of Blake appeared.

"Hey!" Jason greeted him unenergetically. "Come in, Ally's on the couch. I'll go get a drink do you want anything...?" He asked quickly with a grimace.

"Yeah. I'll have a Coke, thanks." He answered rudely, glancing at him once, then looking back towards the couch. He loped over, walking like he was the only man on Earth and sat down next to Ally, uncomfortably close.

"Ummm...ew!" she thought, and scooted more towards the edge of the couch. Blake got closer and put his arm around her.

“Hey…” Ally said in a very blasé voice, uncomfortably. If Jason didn’t get back in five seconds, she was planning on punching him in the face, and yelling at him with a couple of swear words mixed in.
“Hey yourself….” He replied probably trying to sound sexy. He smiled with the corners of his mouth then moved his attention away from her face, his eyes moving down to her chest. She started counting.
“Five, four, three-! Oh thank God!” she thought with a smile. She sighed with relief, and scooted over next to Jason so their knees touched, after he had given the Coke to Blake and sat down. Ally gave him a quick peck on the cheek then whispered in his ear,”God! Can your ass-wipe of a friend get any more annoying?!”

“Yeah..." Jason scratched the back of his head out of the habit of acting human, "I didn't really realize that 'till I turned into a vampire." He grimaced. "Maybe I should get new friends.” He laughed lightly and kissed her on her ear lobe.

“Yeah…can I choose them?,” She said with a giggle at the back of her throat, ”Maybe I don’t like him because he’s human. I’ll bite him if you want. He might just get a little wiser and his eyes might actually open to the world.”

“Oh, hahaha. Very funny miss smart-ass. You might actually want to open your eyes yourself.” She realized her eyes had been closed and opened them. When she did, she looked into Jason’s big brown eyes, they were less than an inch away.

“Thank you?” She whispered as a question before crushing her lips onto his. They only broke apart when they heard a hacking ‘cough’ from behind Ally.

“Oh…you’re still here” Ally scowled. “I thought you left. Sorry.” She snorted quietly. “Not really that sorry at all.” She thought.

“…Can you…maybe …leave now, Blake?” Jason said with hope.

“No! We haven’t had dinner yet!” he retorted, the fat pig.

“Blake, that wasn’t a question.” "And YOU'LL be dinner if you stay any longer, you ass!" he thought.

“Yeah, and I said NO!” he retorted.

“Leave NOW Blake.” Jason growled to put an emphasis to his words, scowling.

“Fine, fine. Just know that you will not be seeing me in a friendly manner anymore.” He said after a long pause. He was obviously covering up for the fact that he was scared out of his pants because he had gotten really pale, and Ally could hear his heart thumping wildly.

“Fine. I don’t really care. Just leave.” Jason said, turning towards Ally again, and kissing her.
"now where were me?" he asked smiling.
""she said fingering his lip ring, then she leaned in and kissed him. They started making out again and almost forgot about Blake, except they could him him grumbling to himself, and his heart beating. Blake gathered his stuff and went out the front door. Once he had left, Ally sighed and continued kissing Jason.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long for me to get this out!!! This is my first story and i hope people like it!!!
Comments and Subscriptions please!
