Status: Ok, Im going to delete this if no one likes it!

Heart of Glass


“Over here, Kyle.” Annika said. She was leading him to her room to Turn him. Once they were there, Annika closed the door quietly and swiveled around to face Kyle with the unnatural speed of a vampire. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. She could hear his heart beating faster that normal, and wondered what he was thinking. “Kyle…”
“Please…listen to me. It might sound crazy now, but please don’t scream.”
“Wha-?” Kyle was about to ask, but she had already slammed into him. She plunged her mouth into his neck, then like Ally bit his lip as well.
“Aahhh-“ Annika silenced him with her hand on his mouth before he could get any louder.
“Shhhh!,” she hissed. Kyle was writhing around on her bed, the pain slowly going away after an hour. After thirty more minutes she asked him if he could talk. He nodded his head.
“Wha-what just happened?” He rubbed his neck where she had bitten him.
“Go see for yourself.” She got up, grabbed the handheld mirror on her dresser, and handed it to him. He looked and a look of astonishment, surprise, and disbelief washed over his face. He finally spoke after thirty couple of seconds.
“What?Who? HOw?...” he stuttered.
“Uh...Let me explain… you're now a vampire.”
“Whaat?! Did you just say vampire?” he said vampire slowly, letting it sink in.
“Mm-hmm. My family has been a long line of vampires that Turn the guys or girls they love and want to be with for the rest of their lives, which is forever, unless we are killed. We still have hearts and blood, but it"s not flowing."
He gulped and nodded his head. Still letting it sink in, not totally believeing what he was hearing. She was now in fully Vanpire Teacher Mode now.
“Okay, You can’t ever tell anyone about this. Otherwise, the Council will...kill you, and I really dont want that to happen. You can only tell a human if it is like a life or death situation. Since my family doesn't really like to drink from humans we drink from animals. Its alrigth if you kill the animal. If you smell a human or meet a human while you are hunting, youll lose control and drink form them, getting pbsessed will the blood and killling them. This is called bloodlust. But since the COuncil and most other vamps drink from humans, you can't get killed from that. You get stronger when you feed, and when you get 'older'. Vampires don't age like humans. A vampires againg is much slower, you stop againg in physically after the fifth year of being a vamp, though you still age mentally forever , or unless another vampire or...creature kills you. You can also suck your mate’s blood, which will also make you stronger, and make a connection between the mates. The connection can let you see where the othe rvampire is, or haer their thoughts, but thats only if the person wants them to know and hear that stuff, or if they have it blocked. You shouldn't drink from your mate too much, or it will end up with another type of blodlust, maming htem kill yo in a...diferent way. I suggest you don’t use it unless you really have to…Oh. And by the way… do you actually want to be my mate?”Annikas head tilted to the side slighlty.
Kyle sucked a deep breath in. His face showed thoughtfulness as he took time to think. “Yes.”
“Great. Now what would you like to do?”
“I think we both know,” he said, smiling seductively. She smiled and crushed her lips against his newly Turned ones, and fell bcak against the bed.

* * *
In the meantime, in the second that Annika’s teeth had broke the surface of skin on Kyle’s neck; Ally felt an electric-feeling wave shiver up her spine. She grinned, making Jason confused on why she was smiling so suddenly.
“What happened? Why are you grinning?”
“Annika finally got a mate! I think it’s Kyle. She is sooo in love with that boy, even thouh they met , like, two months ago.” She said with satisfaction dripping from her every word.
“Yeah that’s…great.” He said with a weak smile.
Concern took over her face as she asked, “What’s wrong? Is it…never mind.”
“It’s…just…I know this may sound kind of immature and everything, but…I guess it just won’t be the same when there are two male vamps hangin’ out here instead of one. I kind of liked being the only one…” he said slowly, searching for any sign of sunnn emotion from her face.
“Ohhkay.' she snorted. "So you’re jealous,” She replied with a slight smirk them snorted lightly again,” Wow, I never thought that you of all people would be the jealous type.” She rolled her eyes and started laughing. “This is different…maybe I could use it to my advantage somehow.”she said with an evil smile. She leaned back into the loveseat and closed her eyes. The blue veins in her eye lids stood out against the snow-white skin. She felt Jason start tracing them lightly with his finger tips, sometimes brushing against her thick black eyelashes. She smiled and the last thing she felt and heard before drifting off was Jason saying 'I love you…' and his fingers brushing along her jaw line to her lips.

…I was dreaming. On a boat. Little parts of the dream flashing behind my eyes. I was sitting on the bow of a boat, then there was blackness. THen I was throwing my head back and laughing hysterically, and it went black again.It came back and I was kissing Jason for a brief second, then black. It had been the longest blackness yet, and then it came back. I thrust my hands up into the air, feeling little ribbons of air flow through my fingers, as soft as satin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a fin and a dark shadow. I stopped smiling and gasped, then started screaming. I snapped my head up sharply from Jason’s lap, gasping for breath. “Okay. Good. It was only a dream. Nothing had really happened. Good.” She thought. Jason was starting to wake up, so she got up and quickly made breakfast for both of them. When she sat back down on the seat, Jason opened his eyes halfway, and smiled at her. She immediately smiled and thought of how perfect last night had been. God, she loved him, and he was so perfect! She sat down and started nibbling on the food that she didn’t really even want because she wasn't hungry from feeding on Jason. Jason grabbed the plate of eggs and threw them down. “Mmmm.” He grabbed a cup of orange juice and chugged it.
“Why are you so hungry?” Ally asked.
“You were feeding on me last night, remember? It always makes me hungry.” He answered before grabbing a couple pancakes drowned in syrup. She laughed and smiled. That was Jason for her! The rest of her morning was spent like that, until Annika and Kyle had come out of her room.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorery it took me a while to update...i got kinda badly injured and my whole left side of my body is in kind of pain...:( i might have to go to the hospital today, but i dont think so...

on a brighter note...yay! the chapter is out! I am going to start a couple of more stories, because i only have one, and i have a LOT of ideas!!!PLease keep on reading, and Subscriptions and Comments please!!
