Status: Ok, Im going to delete this if no one likes it!

Heart of Glass


“So why exactly are you having this party?” Kyle asked.

We are having this party because it is a distraction. I felt like something was off, this morning, and I want to find out what it is.”

“Ohh. Well that explains a little. But why was everyone so hostile when Blake was spying? I mean, I can get why you wouldn’t want someone spying on you, but still?” he asked.

“Well, to begin with, he couldn’t even see into the house because the windows are so darkly tinted. Two, well I think Ally and Jason are just against him, but maybe there’s something else?” I raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Do you have any ideas?”

“Hmm. Maybe they sensed the same thing you did. Maybe Blake is the problem.” He said with intuition slowly lighting up his eyes.

Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll just have to find out.” I said.

“Okay. So when exactly is this party? We need to straighten out the details.”

“I like the way you think. I knew you were a good choice!” he looked at me with both eyebrows raised and I rolled my eyes, but kept talking,”So, the details, right. Um the party can be tomorrow starting at 5:30-ish and we’ll kick them out at 1:00.”

“That’s good,” he said, thinking, “I think we should invite Blake to see if he is a problem.”

“Yes, go on.”

Aand we should tell your parents about this if it evolves into a problem. I’m pretty sure all the vamps will want to know.”

“No we shouldn’t tell my parents!” I exclaimed sarcastically.

“Wait-what?! We shouldn’t?!”

“No! I was being sarcastic! We should.” I exclaimed, exasperated, “What will I do with you, my non-sarcastic-understanding boyfriend? What will I do with you?” I laughed and messed up his hair.

“Oh ha ha ha. That’s so funny…NOT!” then he started laughing, too.

“Come on, let’s go see what Ally and Jason are doing, then go tell them the plan. I took his hand and dragged him out of the room. I heard some noise in the kitchen so I took him there. I entered through the doorway and stopped. It wasn’t only my sister and her mate in there…it was my dad.


“Uh, hey dad.” I said now feeling kind of faint. “Haven’t seen you in a while.” The reason I hadn’t seen him in a long time, and I mean a long time, was because he was a traitor. There was some conflict when Ally and I were children, about four or five. He turned my mom in to the Council for something she didn’t do, but luckily she could defend herself. My mother asked for a separation of them, but not a divorce. I never understood why she did this. Then the Council told my dad to go somewhere where someone else was in charge of him, and they gave us the choice to choose between mother and father. So, basically, we stayed with my mother and my dad only came unless we called him or he absolutely needed to come. So I guess this was one of those times…unless Ally had called him. I turned and gave Ally a swift questioning look that no one saw. She just as swiftly held up one finger and nodded her head. From what they were saying, what I could make out was that they had called him and he was here to try to help us out with what was to come.
“So something is definitely up. Dad is the best at premonitions.” I thought.

“So, I called Dad and told him to hang out around town a little. You know, without people seeing him? Take a look around to see if anything is going on. That’s okay, right?” Ally asked and bit her lip.

“Yeah, yeah. That’s not the problem to me. The problem is mom. What the hell is she gonna say when she comes home and…you’re here, Dad?” I said.

“Well, we kind of haven’t figured that out yet.” He said with a sheepish smile.

“That’s not good. Well, when is she going to-” I started to say, but was interrupted by the sound of the garage door opening.

“Uh-oh” Kyle said. I had totally forgotten he was in the room. Since we didn’t have enough time to hide Dad, we just waited in the kitchen for Mom, to get it over with. When she opened the front door and yelled, “I’m ba-ack!” we all jumped, but still waited. I heard her walking through the living room to the kitchen. When she rounded the corner and saw us inside, she gasped and dropped the bags she was carrying. Which never happens with a vampire. Ever.

“O-oh sorry. I-I was just very surprised to see you here ,Dominic. Uh, let me pick this up, please.” She sputtered, and raised a finger indicating to let her have a minute.
The room was silent all except for the sound of my mom slowly picking up each item, probably thinking of what to say next. When she was finished, she spun around and put the bag on the marble counter.

“Well I’m just glad nothing broke when it fell from my hands!” she said in her slightly Spanish accent, from the early years from when she was growing up in Spain. “So, Dominic. Why are you here?”

“Ally, er, called me.”

“Mmm. And why did she call you?”

“Er, well…” my mom raised one professionally plucked black eyebrow. “Well?” she asked.
“Well, they were thinking that something might be going on around here and called me to just hang around for the next couple weeks. Okay?”

“Something is going on?” she asked before turning around to me.

“Well…not yet, but we think that there might be danger soon.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“We were thinking of planning a party for tomorrow at 5:30-ish to 1:00-ish. Inviting people who we’re kind of suspicious with, you know? Then inviting some closer human friends to blend in the crowd. Then a few vamp friends just to make it look more like a ‘natural party’. That’s okay, right?”

“Yeah, great.” She replied, deep in thought. I sighed in relief. “Okay, so far so good. I think we’re actually gonna not have to be here when and if they start a fight for no reason!” I thought. I started to run through the names of the people we were definitely going to invite, the people we might, in case some couldn’t come for some reason. “But it’s not like some people wouldn’t come. Everyone knows we throw some of the best parties.” I laughed in my head. I actually found that quite funny. “Okay, so we are definitely going to invite Blake because he is our suspect. Anna, Leila, Harmony, Keith, Rhyan, Raina, Maya, & Mason for the vampires, and I’ll just throw in some human friends from school to even it out.” Since I was thinking about the party, I hadn’t been listening to what everyone else was saying. From what I could understand, they were just talking about details for the party, so I was okay.

“So I think we should not allow the second and third floors to be open, and just in case, lock the door to the stairs so that we make sure no one can go up.” Jason was saying.

“Ooh, and we should provide drinks like Mountain Dew, Coke, and beer.” I said, getting into the conversation. I did love parties, after all.

“Yeah, and do you already have the names on a list to invite?” Ally asked.

“Yeah, hold on a sec. Let me write them down.” I grabbed a piece of paper on the counter and started writing down the names.

“Okay, who was that I said before?” I thought. “Oh yeah. I remember.”

List of People:

Raina, Aaron, Leila, Anna
Harmony, Mason, Rhyan, Maya, Rose

Blake, Carlo, Jessi, Seth, Uley, Lyle, Zach, Shayla,
Sara, Lynn, Keith, Cahra, Nate, Karol, Jade
Paul, Kelsey, Isabel, Keri, Felix, Heather, Cassidy, April

Bold= suspect

I wrote down all the names and passed the paper to Ally, who scanned it and passed it to Mom, who took it and read it, too.

“Hey, Annika?” she asked , “Why is Blake’s name blacker than all of the other humans’ names?”

“Oh. Because he is our suspect.” I answered.

“Oh. Okay.” she went back to the paper and finished reading, then passing it on to another person.

“So I think we have that settled. I’m going to go back to my room to start calling people. Here, Kyle. Think fast.” I said than tossed Kyle one of our wireless home phones. I walked back to my room with Kyle behind me. I closed the door behind Kyle and grabbed my cell phone from my desk. I started calling numbers and telling people about the party, when right before I was about to call another number I got a text message....that scared me half to hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took forever to update!!!!!!
i havent been on for a long period of time
ina while
(im liking the enter
bar thingie right
now!!!!) :P
