Status: Ok, Im going to delete this if no one likes it!

Heart of Glass


Restricted Number:

I know what you’re doing. I know what’s going on.
I’m not afraid of you. YOU should be afraid of ME.

I froze. My breathing stopped. And I swear that my heart skipped a couple beats, too.

"Oh shit. Shit shit shit." I thought, "What the....? I finally got my movement back and screeched out, "Ohmygod, Kyle. Come here see this now before I black out!" Well, I thought I screamed it. It came out as a whisper, spoken through the cold, hard lips of a vampire who is scared to the other half of death. Kyle rushed over and and took a look at the tiny screen on my phone. I rushed into the kitchen, with Kyle right behind me, where everyone was standing around talking.

“Huh. I wonder who it could be. And what they think we could be doing. Oh well, just forget it, Annika. It’s probably some human playing a prank.” He turned around and started to walk back to where he was standing.

I just looked at him with a blank stare. He turned back and glanced at me, then stopped and came back to where I was still frozen. "Baby, what is it?" I kept on staring at him.

I took and deep breath and actually screeched my words this time, " I am practically told by a freaking human a freaking death sentence and you say 'Huh. Must be a human freaking pranking us'?!?!" My eyes wild, I took another breath and continued, "What is wrong with that? Is it just me?" i looked around the room where everyone was staring at me, wide-eyed. Ally shook her head, and so did Jason. "Thank you. For your concern, and whatnot because it apparently does not apply to Kyle here." I sped out of the room in a rush, and tossed my phone over to my shoulder to Ally, who cought it.

Everyone just stood there, frozen (like I was) for a second, then rushed around Ally to read the message. My mom scanned it quickly then rushed after me.

"Annika! Annika, darling, that message is nothing to be afraid of! just come back into the kitchen so we can reason this out!" I paused and mulled this over. I sighed and slowly turned around and came out of the dark hallway to go back to the kitchen. I plodded back in and resigned myself to leaning sullenly against the counter. Everyone was quiet for a few seconds, glancing at one person to the next, wondering who was going to break the silence.

"So...." Jason said, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "What are we going to do?"

I slid down the counter and held my head in my hands. "Ahhh...." And then I blacked out.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHH! is ANYONE reading this?!??!?! if no ones gonna comment or anything then i guess i'll just stop writing it...
sorry short chapter!


....PLEASE COMMENT AND READ?!?!....................

(i have not the energy to even capitalize my name)