Status: Completed

Forgive Me For I Have Syn'd


Maria's P.O.V.

"Um yeah I'll start but first, what exactly do yuo guys know about my leaving?" I asked.

"Well, Brian said that you cheated on him. He said he broke it off with you and you left," Johnny said. Wow, unbelievable.

"Okay then. This is going to be one hell of an explanation," I said, "So to avoid beating the living shit out of Syn, I'll go with his delusion as to---"

"My delusions? You know fully well that you destroyed our fucking relationship by cheating on me," Brian said, cutting me off. Well, nice Brian just went out the window and then my anger just got the best of me.

"Go fuck your fucking self! Who the hell ever planted those ideas? God you're such douche fuck! You must be so fucking screwed up in your mind! I don't even need to be taking this fucking shit from a little piece of fuck like you!" I yelled. Syn smirked.

"I always knew sluts had bad tempers," That was it. I lunged for Brian and punched him right in the mouth. He stepped back and touched his mouth, baffled that I punched him. I lunged again but Matt and Jimmy pulled me off of him.

"Easy there, Ree!" Jimmy exclaimed, holding me tightly as I thrashed in the guys' grip.

"It's his own fucking ass fault!" I yelled, "You better stay the fuck away from me Gates!" I calmed down and when the guys released me, I slumped down on the nearest chair.

"Oh Synnie baby! Lemme fix you up!" shrieked Michelle. She immediately went to Brian's aid. I looked at Leana and raised my eyebrows.

"Them fucking?" I asked in a monotone. Leana snorted.

"She wishes," I smiled.

"Don't bother sweetie. He's a big boy, he deserves to be fucking bruised," I said to Michelle with the fakest smile I could muster up. Fuck, my hand was killing me. Michelle's eyes narrowed as her glare on me intensified.

"Who the hell are you to come here and punch Brian?" she asked.

"His baby's mom," I replied, "Who the hell are you? His number one skank? I mean, looking back on it now, that's exactly what you were when Brian and I were fuckbuddies," I watched as she dropped her jaw, looking at me astonished. I rolled my eyes. I maybe a mother, but hell no am I taking shit from some wannabe Val. Speaking of Val, she quickly stood up and created a distance between Syn, Michelle and me. I mentally applauded her for that.

"Oookay, so this isn't going anywhere. Matt, you and the guys take Michelle and Brian to get drunk. The rest of us will stay here and talk to Maria," she said. I watched as the guys and Michelle walked away. I sighed. How did life come to this?

"You wanna talk?" Lacey asked kindy.

"I don't really have a choice, now do I?" I asked. I didn't bother for their reply and summed up these past three years, "Last time I was in Huntington, I figured out I was pregnant so I foolishly thought that Brian would be happy and all that shit. I came to my house and saw that he was having sex with some girl in my room. He called my names and accused me of cheating on him. I didn't understand 'cause I'd never cheat on someone I loved. Anyway, I ended up living in North Carolina with my new bestfriend, Gary. He helped me take care of Kat and also helped me pick up the pieces of my shattered life. One day, Gary was going out with his boyfriend so when the doorbell rang, I assumed it was his man. It was actually Syn and he was there demanding a little fling. I declined and he showed up at my work the next day. I ended up going to dinner with him. That same night I got a call and Syn found out about Kat, threatened to have full custody of Kat yadda, yadda, yadda," I yawned, "Well you guys now know my story, I'm going by Kat. 'm sleepy,"

Now that wasn't a lie. I was sleepy but I more wanted to prevent any of the girls feeling bad for me. I don't really care for the sympathy. So, I went and slept with Katriana on Val's bed.


Val's P.O.V.

Maria left before, I could tell her anything. "Poor Ria," Gena said and I nodded. She had a lot of shit happen to her and only held it in. Well save that Gary person, but we were her best friends and the fact that she was hurting and never told us must've been really hard on her. I honestly feel really bad resenting her all these years, since she left without telling us. Suddenly, my phone started ringing.

"Hey babe, Brian talked?" I asked.

"Yeah, apparantly someone told him that Maria was cheating on him,"Matt said into the phone. I was confused. Brian must have known that Maria would never do such a thing.

"Did he say who it was?"

"No, but it's Brian and he doesn't believe just anybody...."

"Nope, you're right. The only people he trusts apart from his family is his other family. Us. But everyone here loved Maria except....."

"Michelle," we said in unision. I shook my head.

"Fuck, what the hell are we going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know babe. There's a whole lot of bullshit Brian now believes,"

"I can't believe how much he screwed up. Thanks hun," I said, hanging up the phone.

"Well?" Leana asked.

"Brian was given some false information. By who I think, is Michelle,"

"So basically she fucked up Maria and Brian's relationship," Gena said. I nodded.

"I always knew Maria loved Brian but now I think that love is shadowed by alot of hate,"

"What are we going to do?" Lacey asked.

"Fuck if I know,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I'm sorry for 1. not updating in a while as well as 2. typing a pretty shitty chapter. Anyway, thank you my commenteters:
Bri Bri Sexy Time

More comments are appreciated!