Status: I swear I am going to update this!

I'm Lying Just to Keep You Here

Cross My Heart And Hope To...

Since we were in the middle of nowhere we decided to go to an Applebee’s. It was like the only restaurant type place around. We were seated near the door at a table for two. We quickly ordered are food and sat making small talk while we waited. Before our food came out we heard a group of loud boys walk in. I immediately turned around and much to my dismay All Time Low and crew were walking in.

“Bella!” I heard my name being yelled. I didn’t turn around, I knew who it was. I was pulled out of the booth and into a hug.

“We’ve been on this tour for like two shows now and I haven’t seen you! Not fair!” Jack whined.

“I’m sorry Jack. I’ve been, uh, busy.” I laughed slightly. He released me and went over to greet William. I quickly said hi to everyone, making Alex’s greeting shorter than the rest.

“So, we’ll let you get back to your date.” Rian said once everyone was done with hellos.

“Nonsense. Come join us. It’s been forever. We should catch up.” Alex sounded sincere, but I knew what he was doing. I glanced over at William who was slightly glaring at Alex. I guess he picked up on it too.

“Yeah, c’mon Bella. Please.” Jack clasped his hands together and sent me an adorable pout. “William you can’t keep her from me any longer.” Jack said dramatically, causing both William and I to laugh.

“I guess I can’t.” William laughed. “We can do this another time Belles. Plus I have you all to myself tonight.” William winked at me and sent a smirk towards Alex. Here we go again.

Alex made sure he got to sit next to me. It was almost a fistfight between Alex and Jack. William of course got the other side. To say I was okay with this would be a complete lie. Dinner started off fine. Everyone talked about Warped Tour and what they did with their time off. We talked about what to expect this upcoming tour. The subject of Alex and me wasn’t brought up, until the asshole himself decided to open his mouth.

“My favorite memory of Warped is when me and you got together. It was so funny, I was mad at you about flirting with John Oh and you were mad at me for assuming things between you and John. We like yelled our like for each other.” Alex laughed at the memory.

He was the only one. Everyone else got really quite. Their eyes shifted between William, Alex and me. I guess they were waiting for a reaction. To my surprise William started laughing.

“Yeah that was good. I remember when Bella came on my bus, after she left yours, and told me she loved me. We’ve been together ever since.” William laughed harder. I nudged him in the stomach with my elbow. This was going to get out of hand.

“I remember when Bella and I had sex because you were such an asshole to her. Oh man was it good.” Alex continued with the ‘laugh’ fest that was going on. I turned beet red and put my face in my hands. I was at a complete loss for words, as was everyone else.

“Yeah, funny. I remember having sex with Bella, when was it again, oh, that’s right, last night.” William smirked when Alex stopped laughing. It was silent for a few moments. I finally picked up my head, noticing the wetness that was in my hands. I didn’t even realize I was crying. I was horrified, embarrassed, upset and pissed all in one. Neither William nor Alex realized I was crying.

“Bella, are you okay?” Zack spoke up once he saw my face.

“I-I have to leave.” I quickly got up and tried to get out, but both William and Alex blocked me in.

“Bella, I’m so sorry!” Alex quickly apologized.

“Babe, it was all me. Stay. I’m sorry.” William butted in with his own apology.

“No. You both are assholes. I can’t believe you would do this. I’m so embarrassed right now. Just let me the fuck out.” I finally pushed past William and scrambled out of Applebee’s. I quickly started walking to the exit. Just before I got to the door William grabbed me and pulled me back.

“Belles, seriously, I’m an asshole. He just gets me so mad. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” William pleaded. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I pulled my arm all the way back and slapped him hard across the face. It made a loud crack that even stopped a few by passers in their tracks.

“As far as we’re concerned, we’re over. You are an insensitive prick. I’m going home.” I stormed down the road, heading back towards the bus.

I’m done with all their immaturity.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, a much better chapter. Boys will be boys.
On another note, I'm kinda mad with the comments I got for the last chapter. Two, only two comments. I know it was shitty but c'mon. My response keeps getting less and less with this story. I'll keep updating it, but I'm going to update it a lot less unless you guys speak up. I just get a lot more feedback with my other two which makes me want to write more. So if you guys want frequent updates, comment me. If not I feel like people aren't reading it, which makes me not want to write it. Sorry if you think I'm a bitch, I'm not, I just want some feedback.

Comment. Subscribe. Please.