Another Hospital Stay

Chapter 21

"Alexia! Alexia! Mija, wake up. Your phone is ringing," I hear someone say, causing me to wake up.

"What phone? I don’t have a phone," I mumble, burrowing more into the covers.

"The one your grandfather gave you before you left. Here, she say's her name is Ana," my grandmother says, sticking a hand under my covers to hand me my phone.

"Hello?" I mutter, irritated that I had gotten woken up so early.

"Biatch! Why'd you leave and not fucking tell me?" I hear my best friend, Analise or Ana for short, yell into the phone.

"Oh, hey, Ana. Sorry I didn't tell you. It was a spur of the moment thing," I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes with my free hand. "So, what are you up to, dahling?"

"Nothing, since you're not here. Where are you anyway?"

"My other grandparents house in Trenton, New Jersey. And dude, you should see her house! It's fucking amazing! There's an indoor pool…in a different building out back!" I literally yell. "If I had known about this, I would have come sooner. Not that I don't love abuela or abuelo, cause I love them to death. But you should see this house. The room I'm staying in is twice the size of my living room back home."

"That's so cool. I should go visit you then. Indoor pool, here I come. Guess what sucks? If you would have told me you were heading into Trenton, I would've gone with you. Because there's this amazing band with a cool singer. They're name's My Chemical Romance and they're fucking awesome," she yells into the phone, causing me to pull it away about two feet away from my ear.

"Oh, and guess who I met?" I ask, knowing she will start freaking out when I tell her I met them

"Who? Tell me, tell me," she replies, repeating herself non-stop.

"I met…My Chemical Romance," I say, already pulling the phone away from my ear to let her shriek her heart out.

"Are you fucking serious! Now, I'm so gonna go see you," she yells excitedly.

"And guess what else?"


"They're giving me a ride to Belleville tomorrow on their tour bus," I add, lying back on my bed and grinning like an idiot.

"Really? That's cool," she remarks, for some odd reason sounding really calm and subdued.

"Okay. What's wrong with you," I ask, curious as to why she was so quiet when I had just told her I was going to be riding with My Chemical Romance.

"Well, seeing as how I was in close to the airport, and I just got paid, and you said you know My Chemical Romance, I decided to go visit you," she says slowly.

"You're joking, right?" I ask, grinning, happy that she was coming, since I hadn't seen her for weeks because she had gone to visit a friend who lived out of state.

"Nope. I'll be there later today at…what time did you say the plane leaves, sir?" I hear her ask. "And at what time is it supposed to arrive in Trenton? Okay, thank you. I'll be there in four hours. Meaning, I have half an hour to go home and pack, and I'll be on the plane for three and a half hours."

"Yay! I can't wait to see you, Ana," I yell, standing up on my bed and jumping up and down.