Another Hospital Stay

Chapter 24

"What the hell is that noise," I mumble, opening my eyes. Suddenly remembering what I was supposed to do, I bolt out of bed, picking up my phone and saying, "I'm so sorry. I fell asleep and completely forgot. I'm on my way, Ana."

"Who's Ana?" I hear Ray ask confused.

"Oh, hey, Ray. I thought you were my friend who I'm supposed to go pick up at the airport. What are you doing?" I ask, running downstairs. "Abuela, I'll be right back. Can I borrow the car for a few minutes? I need to go do something. Oh, and is there anyway we can get a spare room fixed. I forgot to tell you that a friend of mine is coming, you don't mind, do you?" I ask hurriedly while still trying to catch my breath.

"Mija, calmate, of course I don't mind. I'll ask Hilda to prepare a room for her. You want it next to yours?" she asks from where she was sitting in the living room, reading a magazine.

"If you don’t mind terribly," I ask, smiling. "But I really have to go now. I'll be back in like ten minutes. Can I take the car?" She nods and tosses me the keys. "What car is it?"

"The black Eclipse. And so you don’t keep bugging me, you can use it whenever you want, all right?" she says, grinning.

"Thank you, thank you. I'll see you later." I blow her a kiss and hurry towards the door.

"Did you forget about me?" I hear Ray ask.

"Oh. My. God, Ray, I'm so sorry," I say, having completely forgotten about him. "I was thinking to many things at once," I apologize.

"Don’t worry about it. And I've got something planned for tonight."

"What is it?" I ask, frowning when I hear a small beep on my phone. "Hold on a minute." I quickly change to the other line and hear Ana's frantic voice on the other end.

"Where are you? I'm just standing here and people are looking at me like I'm a weirdo. Do you know how many guys have come up to me asking me for my number or if I need a ride somewhere? One to many. Now, where are you?" she asks.

"Well, after I finished talking to you, I kinda fell asleep and just barely woke up. Actually, Ray woke me up…" I start and end up getting interrupted by her.

"What do you mean, Ray woke you up?" she asks curiously.

"It's not what you think. All right. He woke me up when he called me. And speaking of Ray, he's on the other line. I'll see you in a few minutes. Just go stand near the exit, all right?" I say.

"All right. All right. I'll see you in a few. Bye." She hangs up and I go back to talking to Ray.

"That was Ana. Sorry I keep ditching you. I'm not meaning to, you know?" I say, heading towards the car my grandma had told me I could use. "Whoa. This is an awesome car," I say randomly.

"It's all good. As long as you remember I'm here," he jokes. "And what are you talking about?"

"My grandma just said I could use this one car whenever I wanted to. And I think I just fell in love with it," I say, pressing the button to unlock it. "I think I'm gonna ask her if I can like…borrow it indefinitely. Or maybe give it to me for my birthday next month."

"You do that. When's your birthday? October what? " He asks.

"October 31. It's on Halloween."

"Really? That's Frank's birthday too. We're all going trick-or-treating. It's tradition. You should come."

"Yeah, I guess. Isn't it a bit early to be planning what you're going to do on Halloween though," I ask.

"How is it planning if we already know what we're going to do the year before? Frankie'll freak if he didn't go trick-or-treating on his birthday," he says. "So, you gonna go get your friend?"

"Good point. And yeah, I'm going right now to get her, then we're gonna hang out for awhile, then I'll go hang out with you. So, what are we going to be doing?" I ask, trying to get him to spill.

"Umm…we're probably gonna go catch a movie or something. Ask your friend if she wants to come along. But sit somewhere else," he asks.

"She doesn't like going to movies where she has to sit alone."

"She won't be alone."